Speed Money Repurposing and the Importance of Compounding
Consider this: if you make a stack of paper and every time you add another sheet of paper, you double it, then you will end up with a stack of paper from the earth to the sun after just fifty pieces.
However, on that 51st piece, you will have a stack that is not only as tall as the sun, but as tall as the sun and then back again.
This is because of compounding.
The compounding effect is cascading and has a geometric and almost exponential impact if you're willing to deal with the timeframe.
When it comes to your money goals, most people are not willing to put in the effort.
However, this is why more and more people are failing.
Repurposing takes time to see the maximum results.
The more time you put in, the better you will be.
However, here is another truism for you: You can make more money between your sixtieth and sixty-first year than the previous fifty-nine years combined if you allow the power of compounding to work for you.
Compounding your Financial Future Compounding is an innate part of nature.
Furthermore, compounding is a natural part of re-purposing your money.
It has a huge impact on your business, because every time you repurpose, you are increasing or doubling the amount.
It's not one and one makes two; it's one and one makes eleven.
Think about it- put one finger from each hand together- what do you get? If you are repurposing your business, you will get eleven.
Repurposing as a Definition of Self: Here is another thing to ponder about compounding and repurposing.
They are one in the same.
To become a successful business person, you need to think in terms of what defines you, what is your special verb.
Rene Descartes verb was 'to think': I think therefore I am.
As a successful entrepreneur, your verb should be 'to repurpose: I repurpose, therefore I am.
By repurposing you are compounding your success to an exponential level.
However, on that 51st piece, you will have a stack that is not only as tall as the sun, but as tall as the sun and then back again.
This is because of compounding.
The compounding effect is cascading and has a geometric and almost exponential impact if you're willing to deal with the timeframe.
When it comes to your money goals, most people are not willing to put in the effort.
However, this is why more and more people are failing.
Repurposing takes time to see the maximum results.
The more time you put in, the better you will be.
However, here is another truism for you: You can make more money between your sixtieth and sixty-first year than the previous fifty-nine years combined if you allow the power of compounding to work for you.
Compounding your Financial Future Compounding is an innate part of nature.
Furthermore, compounding is a natural part of re-purposing your money.
It has a huge impact on your business, because every time you repurpose, you are increasing or doubling the amount.
It's not one and one makes two; it's one and one makes eleven.
Think about it- put one finger from each hand together- what do you get? If you are repurposing your business, you will get eleven.
Repurposing as a Definition of Self: Here is another thing to ponder about compounding and repurposing.
They are one in the same.
To become a successful business person, you need to think in terms of what defines you, what is your special verb.
Rene Descartes verb was 'to think': I think therefore I am.
As a successful entrepreneur, your verb should be 'to repurpose: I repurpose, therefore I am.
By repurposing you are compounding your success to an exponential level.