Signs & Symptoms of a Vitamin D Deficiency
- A deficiency in vitamin D will cause some issues with your heart. You may begin to experience hypertension or high blood pressure, and this could lead to other forms of heart disease. With hypertension you may find it difficult to catch your breath, your heart will feel like it is beating rapidly after even the most simple of physical tasks, you may break out in sweats after doing something as insignificant as standing up, and your face may become red when you experience the slightest strain.
- Vitamin D is important to the strength of your bones whether you are younger and your bones are still developing, or if you are a full-grown adult. Some of the common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in bones are your bones becoming softer and showing signs that they are unable to support your weight. Your legs may bow, and your arms may become weak. Your bones may become more bendable than normal, and they may also fracture easier. Your muscles may also experience similar softening and weakening.
- Pregnant women who do not make sure that they are getting their recommended supply of vitamin D are putting their unborn child at risk. One of the risks to the unborn child deprived of vitamin D is rickets. Rickets can cause a softening of the skull, which can lead to brain disorders. Rickets in unborn children can also delay the development of their arms and legs, which means that the child will take longer to be able to walk and move properly.
- A deficiency of vitamin D can cause the breakdown of the structure and strength of various muscles in the body. The most common areas affected by a vitamin D deficiency is the muscles found in the face, lips, the tongue and in the fingers. You may also begin to experience seizures associated with a deficiency in vitamin D.
- There are many contributing factors that can lead to a vitamin D deficiency that you should be aware of. One of the body's primary sources of vitamin D is the sun, so reducing exposure to the sun can start to show signs of vitamin D deficiency. Young children who prefer to stay indoors and play video games, or older people who prefer to stay indoors as opposed to going outside, are at risk for vitamin D deficiency. In some cultures, the wearing of dark robes at all times due to religious beliefs can also prevent the sun's vitamin D from reaching you and this can cause the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.
Heart Symptoms
Bone Strength
Child Development
Muscle Damage
Contributing Factors