Remove Blackheads With a Magnification Mirror
Removing blackheads is a heavily searched after procedure and frankly there's a lot of unhelpful misinformation on the web.
There are lots of different methods for removing blackheads, but the one I'm going to outline is one you can do right now with minimal effort and no expensive equipment.
Blackheads form in the pores of your skin, so opening these pores to give the blackheads room to move is vital.
One of the first things you should do is fill a kettle and boil some water, once this is done add it to a large bowl/container.
From here grab a towel of some sort and lower your face to the bowl to the point where you can feel the intensity of the heat but you're not being physically burnt.
Put the towel over your head and the bowl so it traps in the heat and the steam and stay in this position for around a minute.
In the following minute the heat will act as a signal to your pores to open, and open they will.
From here, speed is vital and you should move from the hot water to a mirror - preferably a magnification mirror.
If you use a magnification mirror the next step will be easier for you.
Locate the blackheads which you want to remove and using your fingers gently squeeze them out.
No doubt you've tried this before with little success, but now that your pores are open they'll come out much easier.
After this, clean your face with soap and water to remove dirt and bacteria, and then rinse your face with cold water to reseal your pores.
There are lots of different methods for removing blackheads, but the one I'm going to outline is one you can do right now with minimal effort and no expensive equipment.
Blackheads form in the pores of your skin, so opening these pores to give the blackheads room to move is vital.
One of the first things you should do is fill a kettle and boil some water, once this is done add it to a large bowl/container.
From here grab a towel of some sort and lower your face to the bowl to the point where you can feel the intensity of the heat but you're not being physically burnt.
Put the towel over your head and the bowl so it traps in the heat and the steam and stay in this position for around a minute.
In the following minute the heat will act as a signal to your pores to open, and open they will.
From here, speed is vital and you should move from the hot water to a mirror - preferably a magnification mirror.
If you use a magnification mirror the next step will be easier for you.
Locate the blackheads which you want to remove and using your fingers gently squeeze them out.
No doubt you've tried this before with little success, but now that your pores are open they'll come out much easier.
After this, clean your face with soap and water to remove dirt and bacteria, and then rinse your face with cold water to reseal your pores.