Exercises to Strengthen Thighs and Glutes With Back Problems
Squats are an excellent exercise choice for strengthening your glutes. If you have back problems, however, make a couple of adjustments to your form. Take your feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart during your squats. Use the weight of your body as resistance instead of placing a weighted bar near your upper back. Instead of bending your knees at a 90-degree angle initially, perform more shallow squats. Also, unless a weight belt has been advised by your doctor due an injury or other condition, avoid wearing one during body weight squats as they can prevent you from naturally strengthening your lower back and abdominal muscles.
Standing Lunges
Standing lunges strengthen your quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. Although alternating lunges are an especially effective form of this exercise, executing this movement improperly can make your back problems much worse. Instead, do stationary lunges by taking a large step forward with your right foot until your left heel naturally releases from the floor. With your hands on your hips, bend both knees, making sure your front knee does not go past your toes, and then straighten your legs. Perform 10 to 15 repetitions on each side, making sure you maintain good posture and engaged abs to protect your back.
Cardiovascular exercise like walking, running and cycling are effective for building strength in your legs and glutes. This is especially true if you are moving uphill. Try these exercises on an incline or give the stair climber at the gym a whirl. Use ascending cardiovascular exercises as a warmup before doing strength building lunges and squats for even better results.
Other Considerations
While you are working to strengthen your legs and glutes, incorporate core-strengthening exercises in your training as well. Your core muscles include your abdominals, lower back, pelvis and hips. By consistently doing core exercises like crunches and planks, you will strengthen your back, making it easier to efficiently perform your normal daily activities and your workout routines.