How to Quit Full Time Work to Be a Stay at Home Mom
- 1). Make a budget. Add up housing, food, utilities, insurance, savings, entertainment, credit cards and medical expenses. Determine whether you can afford to live on one salary.
- 2). Reduce your living expenses. Keep a diary of how much you spend on groceries, clothing and entertainment. Clip coupons, buy from less expensive stores and eat out less often. Identify expenses that you can eliminate or reduce. Choose a less expensive cable plan, give up expensive vacations or even sell one car. Eliminate debt if possible.
- 3). Practice living on one income. Put all your income into a savings account that you never touch, and pay all expenses with your partner's income for several months.
- 4). Find ways to supplement your income if necessary. Use your talents and work experience to develop a job you can do from home. Start up a home business selling crafts, provide child care or find a freelance writing job. Discuss with your boss the possibility of altering your current job so you can work from home.