The Truth About a Collagen Diet
Have you read about this lately? The latest rage in natural health care is the inclusion of what they call collagen diet supplementation.
What these products primarily claim to do is that they inject ultra-pure collagen into your system as a means of producing healthy weight loss while maintaining muscle mass, but it is meant to produce positive results throughout the entire body.
What's this all about anyway? The practice of using the collagen diet as a means of maintaining lean muscle mass while simultaneously losing weight was first practiced by some people in the sport of bodybuilding.
This method also allowed them to ensure that they were getting every last ounce of protein that they needed in their diets.
Since that time ultra-pure collagen has been touted as an excellent supplement for any athlete that is trying to maintain their chosen sports necessary level of conditioning year round.
For this purpose I believe that these supplements are an excellent choice.
Other people though may be looking at these products with different ideas in mind.
You should be too! I have and here's what I found.
There are many of you out there that are no doubt wondering what these collagen diet supplements can offer to you in the way of reducing the lines and wrinkles that you have developed over the last few years.
I have a confession to make, even I admit to being curious! Well the truth is that the product may help a little, but the results that you get will be negligible at best.
You see, although ultra-pure collagen is designed in a way that should be of some benefit to your skin it may actually just end up being used in some other portion of your body depending on your physical needs, and on the type of collagen that the product contains.
There are two main types of collagen that are part of the makeup of human skin, Type I and Type III.
These are the two types typically found in collagen diet supplements, but these two types also are used for much more such as in tendons, artery walls, fibro-cartilage, the intestines, the uterus, and in the organic part of bones and teeth.
This means that even if your ultra-pure collagen product contains both types there is no guarantee that any of that collagen is going to be used for the enhancement of your skin.
It is very likely that the collagen would be used for the protection of the internal organs before anything else.
Something that would affect your skin in a more positive way than the collagen diet products that are available are skin care products that contain the exact peptide protein mixture necessary for stimulating your system into producing new collagen in order to replace all of the collagen that you have lost throughout the years.
These proteins are what are necessary for direct growth of your collagen, not more collagen itself.
The protein mixture to which I referred is known by the trade name Functional Keratin, and it cannot be found in any of the ultra-pure collagen products that are available due to patent restrictions.
This discovery is a miracle find.
Make no mistake about it...
the collagen diet is good for many things, but Functional Keratin is the absolute best natural remedy for your aging skin.
Visit my website today to learn about several natural substances that can reduce your lines and wrinkles now.
What these products primarily claim to do is that they inject ultra-pure collagen into your system as a means of producing healthy weight loss while maintaining muscle mass, but it is meant to produce positive results throughout the entire body.
What's this all about anyway? The practice of using the collagen diet as a means of maintaining lean muscle mass while simultaneously losing weight was first practiced by some people in the sport of bodybuilding.
This method also allowed them to ensure that they were getting every last ounce of protein that they needed in their diets.
Since that time ultra-pure collagen has been touted as an excellent supplement for any athlete that is trying to maintain their chosen sports necessary level of conditioning year round.
For this purpose I believe that these supplements are an excellent choice.
Other people though may be looking at these products with different ideas in mind.
You should be too! I have and here's what I found.
There are many of you out there that are no doubt wondering what these collagen diet supplements can offer to you in the way of reducing the lines and wrinkles that you have developed over the last few years.
I have a confession to make, even I admit to being curious! Well the truth is that the product may help a little, but the results that you get will be negligible at best.
You see, although ultra-pure collagen is designed in a way that should be of some benefit to your skin it may actually just end up being used in some other portion of your body depending on your physical needs, and on the type of collagen that the product contains.
There are two main types of collagen that are part of the makeup of human skin, Type I and Type III.
These are the two types typically found in collagen diet supplements, but these two types also are used for much more such as in tendons, artery walls, fibro-cartilage, the intestines, the uterus, and in the organic part of bones and teeth.
This means that even if your ultra-pure collagen product contains both types there is no guarantee that any of that collagen is going to be used for the enhancement of your skin.
It is very likely that the collagen would be used for the protection of the internal organs before anything else.
Something that would affect your skin in a more positive way than the collagen diet products that are available are skin care products that contain the exact peptide protein mixture necessary for stimulating your system into producing new collagen in order to replace all of the collagen that you have lost throughout the years.
These proteins are what are necessary for direct growth of your collagen, not more collagen itself.
The protein mixture to which I referred is known by the trade name Functional Keratin, and it cannot be found in any of the ultra-pure collagen products that are available due to patent restrictions.
This discovery is a miracle find.
Make no mistake about it...
the collagen diet is good for many things, but Functional Keratin is the absolute best natural remedy for your aging skin.
Visit my website today to learn about several natural substances that can reduce your lines and wrinkles now.