Fix it Yourself Drain Shower
- 1). Plunge the shower drain. Plungers aren't just for toilets; they can be helpful alleviating a clogged shower drain as well. Place the plunger over the shower drain, creating a tight seal. Add a bit of water to the tub and pump up and down on the handle 10 to 20 times.
- 2). Remove the drain cover and remove any immediate clogs. You may need a screwdriver and rubber gloves. Hair often gets trapped in the shower drain, restricting the water flow. If the hair trap is close to the surface of the drain, it will be easy to remove.
- 3). Use a plumber's snake. With the drain cover still removed, guide the steel cable of the plumber's snake into the drain until it goes no farther and begin cranking the handle. After a few coils and re-coils, the obstruction should become dislodged. If you do not have a plumber's snake, try a wire coat hanger.
- 4). Use a chemical solution to eat away at the obstruction. There are many brands of powerful clog remover solutions that contain chemicals that can break apart the obstruction. These solutions are poured directly into the drain and must sit for 15 to 30 minutes to go to work. Afterward, flush warm water down the shower drain to clear the obstruction.