How to Write a Canadian Will

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    • 1). Start your will by writing you name, Canadian address and stating that this is your last will and testament for the division of your personal assets. The will needs to be dated and any previous versions of your will should be destroyed.

    • 2). Write the names of all your living family members, business associates or friends who will be included in the division of assets. Beside each name write the current address on the date you write your will. In this section include any charities, schools, trusts or other institutions that you intend to contribute to with the proceeds from your estate.

    • 3). Choose and executor. Write the name of the person and their last known address into your will. An executor can be a family member, or you can use a third party like a lawyer, trustee or bank. An executor is charged with the responsibility of ensuring the instructions in your will are carried out and fulfilled.

    • 4). Create a list of assets. This list should include everything: investments, cash on hand, property and personal items. Write the name of the individual or organization you want to receive the specific items. Leave specific instructions and any restrictions.

    • 5). Sign and date the will and have your signature witnessed by two individuals. Place the will in a safety deposit box at your bank or in a fireproof lock box in your home. Be sure you advise either your executor or another family member where the will is located.

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