Definition of Freedom of Petition
- The freedom of petition in the United States is rooted in two rights enshrined in the Constitution. These rights are freedom of assembly and to petition the government for redress of grievances.
- Freedom of petition allows citizens the ability to organize and engage in what commonly is referred to as "grass-roots lobbying." Through the petition process, the general public is able to encourage government to take certain actions.
- Petitions are categorized as informal, and formal or official. An informal petition process is used to gather grass-roots support pertaining to an issue. A formal petition is used to obtain the signatures necessary to put a proposition on the ballot for a general vote.
- The constitutional protections extended to the freedom of petition prevent the federal, state and local units of government from taking any unreasonable steps to inhibit or impair the ability of individuals to organize and collectively express their opinions and shared beliefs.
- If an attempt is made by a governmental authority or agency to restrict of limit the freedom of petition, obtaining legal representation from an experienced constitutional attorney is vital.