About Postpartum Care

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    Vaginal Delivery

    • A new mother will go through many different healing processes as a result of a vaginal delivery. First, she will likely bleed for several weeks and expel blood clots. If they are larger than the size of a golf ball, call the doctor. There will be a considerable amount of soreness, especially if an episiotomy was implemented, or there was vaginal tearing during the birth. Take care when urinating and passing bowel movements, as any stitches can get torn. Squirt warm water on the entire area to prevent infection. Kegel exercises may also help re-strengthen the pelvic muscles.

    Cesarean Section

    • The recovery period for a mother that has a cesarean section is considerably longer than a vaginal delivery. This is due to the fact that abdominal surgery is involved, and some of the intestines may become temporarily paralyzed as a result. Solid foods may need to be avoided for a day or two after the surgery, as the body cannot digest them properly. Limit activities and ask for help when things need to be moved or lifted. Over-exerting oneself will only extend the recovery process.


    • Within days of giving birth, a woman's breasts will go through engorgement, in which they swell and fill up with milk. This happens whether the mother is breastfeeding or not. As this process can be quite painful, place ice packs on the breasts and take an over-the-counter pain relief medicine such as Advil or Tylenol. If breastfeeding, expelling some of the milk through pumping will be helpful if the newborn is not able to breastfeed yet. The exact opposite action should be taken if the mother is not breastfeeding, as any type of stimulation to the breast will just cause it to produce more milk. Wear a snug bra and when taking a shower, face away from the shower head in order to prevent breast stimulation. Nursing pads may still need to be used, until the engorgement ends, which usually takes a few days.

    Weight Loss

    • According to the MayoClinic, a woman loses approximately 10 pounds right after delivery. Additional weight will be lost naturally within the coming weeks, as the body expels fluids. After delivery, the doctor will likely advise the new mother to get as much rest as she can within the next few weeks and to limit physical activity. This may be disheartening to a new mom who wants to get back into shape. However, just as the weight was put on gradually during pregnancy, it will take some time to come back off. Eat a healthy diet and engage in light workouts, such as moderate walking. At the six-week check-up, the doctor will determine whether the mother is ready for more strenuous workouts or not.

    Other Points

    • Do not engage in sexual intercourse for about six weeks after delivery. At the six-week appointment, the doctor will ensure that the body has healed properly first. Also, moodiness will likely be experienced, as a woman will go through several hormonal and emotional changes after the birth of her baby. If a new mother experiences deep depression which gets in the way of caring for her newborn, then she must contact her doctor immediately, as this may be indicative of postpartum depression.

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