What You Should Know Before Buying Auto Insurance in Marysville, WA
Understand How Your Insurance Rate is Determined
Two things determine how much you will pay for your auto insurance; your rating, and underwriting. During the underwriting process the insurance company will assess your risk and place you in a group with similar risks before deciding if they will insure you. You are then given a rating which will determine the cost of your Marysville, WA car insurance policy.
The greatest influence on your rating will be the claim frequency of the group you are placed in. Claim frequency simply means the average amount of times a particular group will file a claim. If you share the same characteristics of a high claim group, your policy will be more expensive.
Knowing Your State's Insurance System
Each individual state has either a fault or no-fault system. Marysville, WA car insurance policies follow the fault system. This means that you have several options if you are involved in an accident. You may:
File a claim with your Marysville, WA auto insurance provider
Pursue a claim with the insurance provider of any other individual is liable for the accident.
File a personal lawsuit seeking compensation from any individual is legally liable for the accident.
Understanding your state's system can save you from any nasty surprises in the event of an accident, and protect you from illegitimate claims and legal expenses.
Ask Your Agent About Discounts
If according to your insurance provider's policies you are determined a better risk, you may be entitled to a particular discount. Discounts that may be available to you are:
Driver's Education Course Participation
Safety Devices on or in Your Vehicle
Anti-Theft Devices
Multiple Vehicles
Low Mileage
There may be other types of discount available to you, so ask your Marysville, WA car insurance agent for the complete list of discounts they offer.
It is recommended you shop around before signing your name on the dotted line. Take the time to ask a few companies about the above mentioned items. Doing so will ensure you make the right choice when purchasing auto insurance in Marysville, WA.