How to Use Wall Murals in the Bedroom
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Example of a bedroom wallpaper mural made to resemble a fresco Images
Spackle any holes in the wall and sand lightly. Paint the bedroom wall with flat latex paint. Arrange mural panels. Butt the edges against one another to match colors and patterns. Mix the paste powder with warm water in a bucket, and let it set. - 2
Release a plumb line like a bow string to mark guide lines.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
Measure the panel perimeter and mark wall placement for hanging. Climb the ladder to where the wall meets the ceiling, and use a plumb line and chalk to make guides for straight panel lines. Brush a thin coat of paste on the first panel's wall area and on the panel itself. Hang the first panel and use a smoothing brush to remove air bubbles. Overlap adjacent panels a quarter-inch to avoid shrinkage. - 3
A grayish-tone wave scene is a trendy bedroom look.Jupiterimages/ Images
Allow each panel to dry. Trim excess overhang from the panel's top and bottom using a utility knife and a straight edge. Use a wet sponge to wipe excess glue from the mural.
Prepare, Apply and Finish