Squats Exercises - 6 Lower Body Variations of the Squat You Can Do With a Dumbbell
Your lower body is one of the biggest and most important muscle group in your body.
Unfortunately, most people ignore the lower body or just perform a few sets of squats just to "work" it.
The following are a few exercises you can use to add some more variety and make your lower body workouts fun and exciting.
Variation #1: Dumbbell Front Squat
Unfortunately, most people ignore the lower body or just perform a few sets of squats just to "work" it.
The following are a few exercises you can use to add some more variety and make your lower body workouts fun and exciting.
Variation #1: Dumbbell Front Squat
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and grab a pair of dumbbells.
Lightly rest one of the heads of each dumbbell on your shoulder.
Your elbows should be in front of your body with your upper arms parallel to the ground.
With your back straight and abdominals contracted, squat down as far as you can go.
- Pause at the bottom and stand up to starting position.
Make sure to keep looking forward.
- A dumbbell thruster is simply a combination of the dumbbell front squat and shoulder press.
Hold the dumbbells up near your shoulders, with your elbows out in front of you and your upper arms parallel to the ground.
Squat down as low as you can do, keep your feet flat on the floor.
- Make sure your back is straight, abs are contracted, and your knees do not go past your toes.
Keep your head steady and look forwards.
When you reach your lowest point, quickly reverse the movement and stand back up.
While standing up, start to press the dumbbell over your head.
- The end position should be your arms overhead and your legs straight.
Practice this movement until you flow smoothly between the front squat and shoulder press.
- Stand with a shoulder width stance and grab a pair of dumbbells with an overhand grip.
Keep them in front of your body with palms facing you.
Slowly squat down towards the floor, keep the dumbbells in front of your body.
Go down as low as possible, then reverse the movement and stand up at starting position.
- Keep your back straight and core tight.
Do not let your knees fall past your toes.
- Place two dumbbells on the floor with the handles parallel to each other.
Stand between the dumbbells, and lift on leg slightly off the ground.
Tuck it behind your body by bending your knees.
With your back straight, chest out, and head looking forward, squat down with one leg and reach forward to grab the dumbbells.
- Stand up to starting position.
Lower your body back down to place the dumbbells back on the floor.
Return to starting position and repeat with the other leg.
- Stand facing away from a sturdy chair or bench with feet shoulder width apart and dumbbells held at your sides.
Lift on leg and place your toes on the chair/bench behind you.
Keep your back straight and chest out as you lower your body towards the ground by bending your knee.
- Lower yourself as far as you can go, then return back to starting position.
In the beginning, you will need to adjust the distance and position of the surface behind you a few times before you get it right.
- Place two dumbbells on the floor side by side with the handles parallel to each other.
Stand over the dumbbells with a wide stance.
With your hands between your legs, ready to grab the dumbbells, squat down as if you were doing a sumo squat.
- When you get low enough, grab the two dumbbells.
Keep your back straight and head facing forward as you lift the dumbbells up.
Do not bend your arms.
You are not bending or engaging any other part of your body besides your legs.
The biggest mistakes people make with this movements is bending their arms using their upper backs to lift the dumbbells.
- Keep your back straight, core tight, and stance grounded as you straighten out your body.
Lower yourself to starting position.