5 Common Divorce Myths
People often have many different views and opinions when it comes to divorce.
While some people believe that it is the right thing to do, others scoff at that notion and believe that any marriage can be saved from a divorce.
With that being said there are many myths that are associated with divorce.
Here are 5 common myths that have been associated with divorce and the actual facts that debunk these myths.
5 Common Divorce Myths Myth 1: Divorces are primarily filed by men.
Fact: Nearly 65% of divorces are initiated by women.
One common reason for this is that most divorce and child custody laws favor women over men.
Also, men are more likely than women to engage in divorce causing behavior such as drinking, drug abuse and adultery.
Myth 2: Long lasting marriages are always happy marriages.
Fact: Almost all marriages have their quarrels and arguments; it is just the nature of two people co-existing.
Recent studies show that up to 85% of married couples indicated some type of unhappiness during their marriage.
While some of these do end up in divorce, many couples stay together through this unhappiness.
Myth 3: Having a child together will improve marital satisfaction and prevent a divorce.
Fact: Many studies have shown that the most stressful time in a couple's life is after their first child is born.
Not only are couples thrown into a new way of living, but they have to revolve every single day around caring for the child.
It is best for married couples who are contemplating divorce to avoid having children together as this can only complicate and add stress to the marriage.
Myth 4: Children who come from a divorced home will often have less chance of getting divorced Fact: Children from a divorced home have a much greater chance of getting divorced.
While each case is different many indications show that children coming from a broken home have quicker marriages and are much more likely to end before 5 years.
Myth 5: Divorce is best if your parents don't get along Fact: Studies indicate that divorce has a much worse affect on a child's life than an unhappy marriage.
Divorce has been known to cause much more trauma on a child than continued living in a home where the parents do not get along.
Only in extreme circumstances which involve emotional or physical abuse are children better off in a divorce.
While divorce is often the best scenario for the parents, it almost always has negative consequences.
Usually the main victim of a divorce is the children, as they are often thrown into a divorce without little knowledge of the situation or familiarity on the whole process.
These are just some of the many myths associated with divorce.
While some people believe that it is the right thing to do, others scoff at that notion and believe that any marriage can be saved from a divorce.
With that being said there are many myths that are associated with divorce.
Here are 5 common myths that have been associated with divorce and the actual facts that debunk these myths.
5 Common Divorce Myths Myth 1: Divorces are primarily filed by men.
Fact: Nearly 65% of divorces are initiated by women.
One common reason for this is that most divorce and child custody laws favor women over men.
Also, men are more likely than women to engage in divorce causing behavior such as drinking, drug abuse and adultery.
Myth 2: Long lasting marriages are always happy marriages.
Fact: Almost all marriages have their quarrels and arguments; it is just the nature of two people co-existing.
Recent studies show that up to 85% of married couples indicated some type of unhappiness during their marriage.
While some of these do end up in divorce, many couples stay together through this unhappiness.
Myth 3: Having a child together will improve marital satisfaction and prevent a divorce.
Fact: Many studies have shown that the most stressful time in a couple's life is after their first child is born.
Not only are couples thrown into a new way of living, but they have to revolve every single day around caring for the child.
It is best for married couples who are contemplating divorce to avoid having children together as this can only complicate and add stress to the marriage.
Myth 4: Children who come from a divorced home will often have less chance of getting divorced Fact: Children from a divorced home have a much greater chance of getting divorced.
While each case is different many indications show that children coming from a broken home have quicker marriages and are much more likely to end before 5 years.
Myth 5: Divorce is best if your parents don't get along Fact: Studies indicate that divorce has a much worse affect on a child's life than an unhappy marriage.
Divorce has been known to cause much more trauma on a child than continued living in a home where the parents do not get along.
Only in extreme circumstances which involve emotional or physical abuse are children better off in a divorce.
While divorce is often the best scenario for the parents, it almost always has negative consequences.
Usually the main victim of a divorce is the children, as they are often thrown into a divorce without little knowledge of the situation or familiarity on the whole process.
These are just some of the many myths associated with divorce.