Controversial Issue About Yogurt - Can You Eat Yogurt While You Are on a Diet?
This is always a controversial issue about yogurt, some say to stay away while others say you should eat it.
The article is based on real story of my friend.
She is a holistic health counselor that forever refused to believe in Candida, but after years of her own clients and my own problems, well, she has come to believe this is a huge problem.
Luckily, being in naturopathic medicine, she already knows about such things as garlic, grapefruit seed extract, caprylic acid, liver herbs, etc.
But she is confused about one product and hope to hear everyone's experiences with it- YOGURT.
Some books say no dairy at all, even yogurt, but other sources say yogurt, especially sugar-free, is one of the best things you can eat if you have candida.
The problem is which one is right? She has found also that candida really seems to set off thyroid problems in many of the clients she has had - and another no-no for thyroid is any soy products, so her clients avoid tofu products.
Does this sound topical for you? At least it is according to my friend.
What I can suggest for her, is to try the yogurt first within a week.
If you feel worse, then stop it.
I also found some cases that say yogurt is good while others say yogurt is bad.
My friend is willing to give me her bad opinion about yogurt while she is on the diet.
She was told to eat it, she ate it.
She has been doing the whole diet and herbs and probiotics thing for 5 months and she is no better.
No better at all, apart from the odd blessed good day.
Last Wednesday (a week ago) morning, she had a huge, horrible reaction to a tiny amount of yogurt.
She stopped eating it.
Thursday (a week ago) was a blessed good day.
Friday was a blessed good day (two in a row - unprecedented!).
She reckoned it was yogurt that was holding her back.
Saturday wasn't so good, and she woke up yesterday with what looks like it might be tonsillitis, so she is not going to get a clear picture of how much of this is as a result of cutting out yogurt because her immune system is in an uproar at the moment.
The article is based on real story of my friend.
She is a holistic health counselor that forever refused to believe in Candida, but after years of her own clients and my own problems, well, she has come to believe this is a huge problem.
Luckily, being in naturopathic medicine, she already knows about such things as garlic, grapefruit seed extract, caprylic acid, liver herbs, etc.
But she is confused about one product and hope to hear everyone's experiences with it- YOGURT.
Some books say no dairy at all, even yogurt, but other sources say yogurt, especially sugar-free, is one of the best things you can eat if you have candida.
The problem is which one is right? She has found also that candida really seems to set off thyroid problems in many of the clients she has had - and another no-no for thyroid is any soy products, so her clients avoid tofu products.
Does this sound topical for you? At least it is according to my friend.
What I can suggest for her, is to try the yogurt first within a week.
If you feel worse, then stop it.
I also found some cases that say yogurt is good while others say yogurt is bad.
My friend is willing to give me her bad opinion about yogurt while she is on the diet.
She was told to eat it, she ate it.
She has been doing the whole diet and herbs and probiotics thing for 5 months and she is no better.
No better at all, apart from the odd blessed good day.
Last Wednesday (a week ago) morning, she had a huge, horrible reaction to a tiny amount of yogurt.
She stopped eating it.
Thursday (a week ago) was a blessed good day.
Friday was a blessed good day (two in a row - unprecedented!).
She reckoned it was yogurt that was holding her back.
Saturday wasn't so good, and she woke up yesterday with what looks like it might be tonsillitis, so she is not going to get a clear picture of how much of this is as a result of cutting out yogurt because her immune system is in an uproar at the moment.