Can"t Make Cash Online? Then You Are Too Busy.
You can work and work until you are dead tired, but that does not mean you have accomplished anything. In fact, you have probably just discouraged yourself because you have nothing to show for your work. Being busy doing the wrong things is something I struggle with, so I want to give you first-hand advice on how to make cash online by not being too busy.
Focus On One Thing
Why do we put blinders on horses when we ride them? So that the horse will not become distracted and lose focus. If a horse becomes distracted, chances of the horse (and you) ending at the proper destination are not very good. If you don't make cash online, you are probably the same way. You try to build traffic or promote your product, but you get distracted with the next big thing. Next thing you know, you have wasted a day, week, or month and have nothing to show. You need to take one goal and focus on it. Don't try to promote 36 different products in 14 different ways. Find a product you like and advertise it using the most effective method. Just stay focused.
Set Goals
If you aim for nothing, you will probably hit it. Just because you have heard that before does not make it less important. Before you start each day, you must know what you need to accomplish. This is important in all aspects of life, but especially in Internet marking. Online competition is too tough. If you don't have a goal, you will not make cash online.
Make A Schedule
Once you have made a goal, write down step-by-step instructions and a schedule on how you will achieve that goal. If you have a goal, but don't know how or when you can achieve that goal, you will never, ever make cash online.
Quit Wasting Time
There are so many ways to waste time. In fact, you are probably so good at wasting time that you don't realize you are wasting it. If you are surfing on the Internet for no reason, you are wasting time. If you spend all day answering emails, you are wasting time. If you are on the phone hours a day, you are wasting time. None of these things are bad, but they must not get in the way of your goals. Set aside time to find information on the Internet, answer emails, and talk on the phone, but make sure you are always focused on what matters. It is the only way you will ever make cash online.
Focus On One Thing
Why do we put blinders on horses when we ride them? So that the horse will not become distracted and lose focus. If a horse becomes distracted, chances of the horse (and you) ending at the proper destination are not very good. If you don't make cash online, you are probably the same way. You try to build traffic or promote your product, but you get distracted with the next big thing. Next thing you know, you have wasted a day, week, or month and have nothing to show. You need to take one goal and focus on it. Don't try to promote 36 different products in 14 different ways. Find a product you like and advertise it using the most effective method. Just stay focused.
Set Goals
If you aim for nothing, you will probably hit it. Just because you have heard that before does not make it less important. Before you start each day, you must know what you need to accomplish. This is important in all aspects of life, but especially in Internet marking. Online competition is too tough. If you don't have a goal, you will not make cash online.
Make A Schedule
Once you have made a goal, write down step-by-step instructions and a schedule on how you will achieve that goal. If you have a goal, but don't know how or when you can achieve that goal, you will never, ever make cash online.
Quit Wasting Time
There are so many ways to waste time. In fact, you are probably so good at wasting time that you don't realize you are wasting it. If you are surfing on the Internet for no reason, you are wasting time. If you spend all day answering emails, you are wasting time. If you are on the phone hours a day, you are wasting time. None of these things are bad, but they must not get in the way of your goals. Set aside time to find information on the Internet, answer emails, and talk on the phone, but make sure you are always focused on what matters. It is the only way you will ever make cash online.