Landscaping Themes
Creating an outdoor haven is as exciting, if not more, as interior designing your house. It could even be more fun and challenging as there will be more factors to consider and features to add. But before sitting down to decide on whichever features you might want to have, it would be good if you decide on having a theme or not in your outdoor haven. And if you decide on having a theme, which theme would best complement the style and structure of your house and the overall environment of the place where you live in. There are just various themes to consider in your garden landscape that it might take you a lot of brainstorming to do on which would be best and lasting insofar as your lifestyle is concerned.
An English garden landscape has many romantic elements in it. If you are the type who would want some classis English scenery, then you can make use of a pond with a bridge over it and a statue or two for additional pieces. These are a must in an English garden landscape. Complete it with a gazebo. Think of Sound of Music where 16-year old Liesl sang the immortalized ìSixteen Going on Seventeenî song with Rolf and you get the total picture of a romantic garden setting. But of course, this should complement very well with the architectural style of your home, otherwise it would be best to abandon the idea and consider other practical themes.
The Greek/Roman garden theme is another imposing theme usually exhibited by the moneyed homeowners because it uses statues, fountains and columns and the cost of these items could be a little bit overwhelming for those who are working on a budget. But if you live in a mansion, this garden theme would be a good complement to your existing structure.
The Woodlands theme uses the natural beauty of sunlight to filter through the trees, big and small, and the shrubs and flowers that make up what a woodlands garden is all about. It has tall trees to serve as the main structure and give shades where necessary and smaller trees to contrast the imposing presence of the larger ones. The shrubs make the levels even more interesting. The bulbs, ferns and other flowers complete the natural levelling of nature that is naturally found in the real woodlands.
An oriental garden exudes calm and serenity and is ideal for smaller spaces. Ponds are never absent in this garden theme. Even a small waterfall could add to the overall ambiance as it gives the relaxing sound of water. As oriental gardens are almost always designed for peace and contemplation, this setting would be ideal in a quiet and idyllic neighbourhood.
There are even more themes out there that can be explored. Just give it a good thought and decide which one is best for you and you are in for the pride and joy that your outdoor space will bring.
An English garden landscape has many romantic elements in it. If you are the type who would want some classis English scenery, then you can make use of a pond with a bridge over it and a statue or two for additional pieces. These are a must in an English garden landscape. Complete it with a gazebo. Think of Sound of Music where 16-year old Liesl sang the immortalized ìSixteen Going on Seventeenî song with Rolf and you get the total picture of a romantic garden setting. But of course, this should complement very well with the architectural style of your home, otherwise it would be best to abandon the idea and consider other practical themes.
The Greek/Roman garden theme is another imposing theme usually exhibited by the moneyed homeowners because it uses statues, fountains and columns and the cost of these items could be a little bit overwhelming for those who are working on a budget. But if you live in a mansion, this garden theme would be a good complement to your existing structure.
The Woodlands theme uses the natural beauty of sunlight to filter through the trees, big and small, and the shrubs and flowers that make up what a woodlands garden is all about. It has tall trees to serve as the main structure and give shades where necessary and smaller trees to contrast the imposing presence of the larger ones. The shrubs make the levels even more interesting. The bulbs, ferns and other flowers complete the natural levelling of nature that is naturally found in the real woodlands.
An oriental garden exudes calm and serenity and is ideal for smaller spaces. Ponds are never absent in this garden theme. Even a small waterfall could add to the overall ambiance as it gives the relaxing sound of water. As oriental gardens are almost always designed for peace and contemplation, this setting would be ideal in a quiet and idyllic neighbourhood.
There are even more themes out there that can be explored. Just give it a good thought and decide which one is best for you and you are in for the pride and joy that your outdoor space will bring.