Water Softener Questions
- Soft water makes showering, washing dishes and doing laundry more efficient.soap bubles image by Pomidors from Fotolia.com
Hard water consists of hard mineral ions that cause the build-up of soap scum and lime residue throughout your home. Although hard water is safe for consumption as drinking water, it may affect water flow when the calcium and magnesium accumulate on water heaters, dishwashers, showerheads, faucets and plumbing pipes. Additionally, hard water prevents soaps and detergents from lathering effectively, hindering their ability to clean skin, clothes and dishes. Homeowners who suspect that their homes possess hard water should consider installing a water softener to automatically soften hard water. - Since hard water reduces the lather of soap and detergents, people tend to use more of these materials when showering, washing dishes or doing laundry. Install a water softener in your home to decrease the hardness of water and reduce the amount of soap that you and your family use. Not only will a water softener save money spent on soap and detergent in the long run, it will also make appliances run more smoothly by reducing the amount of mineral build-up inside them. In addition, your skin will feel cleaner after a shower or bath, and clothes will feel softer right out of the laundry.
- Hard water contains positively charged calcium and magnesium ions. A water softener gathers these hard minerals and their ions from you home's water supply. As the water enters your plumbing system, it passes through resign beads that are covered with salt ions. The beads release the salt ions and collect the calcium and magnesium ions in their place. Eventually, the beads are full of calcium and magnesium ions and cannot soften any more hard water that passes by. To regenerate the resign beads and restore their water softening capabilities, the beads must be soaked in water saturated with salt ions and rinsed in a special brine. The brine eliminates calcium and magnesium ions while adding sodium.
- Automatic water softeners, which are installed in your home, can cost anywhere between $700 to $1,300, depending on their brand name, size and water softening capacity. However, consider an automatic water softener an investment that, once installed, will continue to work for a long time.
- Although installing a water softener contributes several benefits to your household, they increase the amount of salt in your water supply. People on a low sodium diet or those experiencing hypertension, kidney disease or congestive heart failure should avoid drinking water softened with salt. To reduce any health risks, consider installing a separate line and faucet restricted for cold water uses, such as drinking or cooking, that avoids contact with the water softener.
Why Should I Install a Water Softener?
How Does a Water Softener Work?
Are Water Softeners Expensive?
Do Water Softeners Pose Any Health Risks to Me or My Family?