Paranormal News

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Bigfoot ‘corpse’ had a rubber foot; finders ‘admitted it was a costume,’ says ‘Squatch Detective’ host
Steve Kulls, host of BlogTalkRadio’s Squatch Detective, has denounced Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer – the Georgia men who claimed to have found a Bigfoot “corpse” last month – as liars and fraudsters. Yesterday on his show, Kulls recounted how he first introduced self-styled Sasquatch hunter Tom Biscardi to Whitton and Dyer after Dyer had appeared on Kulls’ show on July 28 to discuss the “find.”..

What does the Bigfoot farce tells us about UFOs?
That certain people will go pretty far for temporary fame and/or money. The flying saucer sightings of 1947 forward brought out the charlatans, publicity seekers, and nuts, en masse. For some reason – as yet to be really explained – UFOs have a propensity to let loose, in the land, a bevy of wackos who see the phenomenon as grist for some kind of inglorious activity, activity hat is self-aggrandizing or just plain crazy...

Shroud of Turin stirs new controversy
A life-sized illuminated photograph of the Shroud of Turin, believed by some--including John and Rebecca Jackson--to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. A Colorado couple researching the shroud dispute radiocarbon dating of the alleged burial cloth of Jesus, and Oxford has agreed to help them reexamine the findings...

Ex-Salem cop finds fulfillment channeling spirit world
A retired Salem cop who swapped his badge for a crystal ball is still sleuthing - with backup from his friends from beyond the grave.

Professional psychic medium Chuck Bergman, 57, spent 32 years pounding the beat in the Witch City, but says that since retiring five years ago he is finding old habits die hard. Initially skeptical of his “gift,” Bergman says he is now channeling the spirits to help police and desperate families find missing loved ones from coast to coast...

Chupas – mysterious flying menace in Brazil's countryside
Steve Bass: I look upon my writings as a method of education. Most people do not know a lot about the whole UFO phenomenon, except the humorous blurbs they hear on television news that tend to cast witnesses or researchers in a negative light, or the occasional sensationalist cable program. What I would like to accomplish is the enlightenment of as many as possible to a wealth of phenomena that really is occurring in our world involving UFOs and Extraterrestrials. Please understand that these are my views based upon my research, and until we capture an alien entity in public, recover an ET spacecraft without the government´s assistance, etc., my understandings can be subject to change. I roll with what feels right and with what has appropriate substantiation...

The Dark Ages of paranormal studies: Part 1- introduction to an open mind
People have been investigating ghosts, spirits, and other paranormal events since, believe it or not, before 100 AD. It would be only logical for one to assume that in all that time that we’d have made some headway in the field. That assumption would be dead wrong. We are in ‘The Dark Ages’ of the field, and moving beyond this dark time is proving to be a difficult, if almost impossible venture...

Mozambican woman gives birth to... cups?
A Mozambican woman recently gave birth to three cups in the southern province of Gaza, independent television channel Stv reported on Thursday, showing images of the crockery. The channel said the 18-year-old woman who lives in Xai Xai, gave birth to the cups on her way to hospital after she had complained of labour pains...
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