Things to Consider when Buying a Wood Burning Stove
If you are looking at buying a new wood-burning appliance, you have many options to choose from.
You may be considering a new fireplace, pellet stove or wood burning stove.
You should consider many variables when choosing an appliance.
If your house is large enough you may want to consider a wood furnace; If not you should take into consideration shape, size, colour and features.
The newest wood stoves and fireplaces have improved safety and efficiency compared to that of units from older generations.
If you are really looking for a nice wood stove, be sure to to look for any certifications that may come with the unit.
Wood units should be at least certified as a low-emission unit .
Make sure to look for the U.
EPA logo on the unit which will certify the wood burning device as being low-emissions, and higher efficiency.
If you are looking for a true efficient stove, Canadian manufacturers have a excellent track record for some of the most effective wood burning units in the world.
Likewise these units cost slightly more then older wood appliances, but you will save money heating your home in the long run.
The newer wood-burning stoves and appliances will actually burn a third less wood but creating the same amount of heat.
Which in the long run will save you money.
When you purchase your newer certified clean-burning unit, you are also reducing your chance of chimney fires in your house.
When your chimney is coated with lots of creosote, which accumulates over the years; Your chance of chimney fires increases.
The advanced wood-burning stoves, when installed correctly burn the smoke inside the firebox so less creosote builds up in the chimney.
That means less chance of fires, and smaller cleaning bills when it comes to having people come and clean your chimney.
You may be considering a new fireplace, pellet stove or wood burning stove.
You should consider many variables when choosing an appliance.
If your house is large enough you may want to consider a wood furnace; If not you should take into consideration shape, size, colour and features.
The newest wood stoves and fireplaces have improved safety and efficiency compared to that of units from older generations.
If you are really looking for a nice wood stove, be sure to to look for any certifications that may come with the unit.
Wood units should be at least certified as a low-emission unit .
Make sure to look for the U.
EPA logo on the unit which will certify the wood burning device as being low-emissions, and higher efficiency.
If you are looking for a true efficient stove, Canadian manufacturers have a excellent track record for some of the most effective wood burning units in the world.
Likewise these units cost slightly more then older wood appliances, but you will save money heating your home in the long run.
The newer wood-burning stoves and appliances will actually burn a third less wood but creating the same amount of heat.
Which in the long run will save you money.
When you purchase your newer certified clean-burning unit, you are also reducing your chance of chimney fires in your house.
When your chimney is coated with lots of creosote, which accumulates over the years; Your chance of chimney fires increases.
The advanced wood-burning stoves, when installed correctly burn the smoke inside the firebox so less creosote builds up in the chimney.
That means less chance of fires, and smaller cleaning bills when it comes to having people come and clean your chimney.