Male Enhancement Patches - Stunning Confession Reveals The Truth
You want to know the truth about why? One of her friends told me that she heard I was a good lover...
EVEN though I wasn't so well endowed.
Ouch! To say I was stunned and a bit taken aback by this tipsy revelation (at a wedding of all places) is a tremendous understatement.
What did I do about it? Quite frankly...
I tried everything! And even though my girlfriend told me she had just been kidding around with her friends when she revealed this bit of personal news about MY anatomy - I couldn't shake the feeling that wasn't satisfying her in bed.
And worse.
My mind started creating all kinds of other insecurities that inevitably went with these feelings of inadequacy.
One of the very first things I tried was a male enhancement patch.
I had read about a popular one in a magazine, and then saw an ad for it online at one of the popular online news portal sites.
So I figured..
hey, it must be legitimate right? Well...
let me tell you, I'm not sure how you define "legitimate", but here is what happened to me: As instructed, I placed the patch on my abdomen, and followed the frequency and application guidelines that came with the package.
And within 24 hours, the very first thing that I noticed was..
I developed an UGLY blotchy rash all over my pelvic region.
Yuck! To go with it...
I also had a nasty headache that simply WOULDN'T go away for 3 days.
A friend of mine who had tried the same product confessed to me that something similar had happened to him.
only much WORSE! (I won't share his nightmare here, don't worry).
You have to make your own decisions.
Always! But if you are looking at topical applications or patches, you best do LOTS of homework to make sure you avoid the kind of catastrophe I did...
or god forbid, even worse.