Things to Know About Buying Backyard Bird Feeders

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Nourishing wild birds in your yard is a fun and enlightening experience.
The best way to tempt birds into your backyard is to establish backyard bird feeders.
Backyard feeders are gadgets that dispense food for birds to eat.
A bird feeder attaches to a stationary facility, such as a hook, post, or tree branch.
There are three main kinds of feeders: the tube feeder, the platform feeder, and the hopper feeder.
The tube feeder has feeding ports and perches, and is composed mostly of hollow tubes that distribute the birdseed.
Tube feeders can be made of either plastic or metal, but metal is best because it is stronger and thus, less destructible than plastic.
The platform feeder is the simplest type of bird feeder, and the least costly.
The platform feeder consists primarily of a platform where the bird food is placed.
The only drawback is that the birdseed is open to the elements and the food can easily blow away or get wet.
The hopper feeder is similar to the platform feeder, but it includes a food dispenser, which distributes birdseed to the platform or tray, and protects the food from the weather.
If you plan carefully, many kinds of wild birds can be encouraged to come into your yard.
Hummingbirds, for example, are a favorite of many people.
Hummingbirds are one of the smallest of all birds, and have the amazing remarkable ability to navigate in reverse! Hummingbirds like multi-hued foliage, so having a variety of flowers will encourage these adorable creatures to venture into your yard.
Tips: -Purchase or build bird feeders that hold a lot of food, are easy to clean.
-When hanging your feeders, consider where they will offer the most protection from the weather, and the wind.
-Position your feeders near to large trees.
This will attract more birds than placing them in open areas.
Wild birds are fascinating to watch, and very useful.
Recent studies show that birds can predict earthquakes.
The behavior of birds changes, and becomes somewhat erratic before an earthquake.
For example, when you get up each morning, you probably hear birds singing.
If you get up at the same time each morning, and one morning you hear no birdsong, you can bet there will be an earthquake that day, but keep in mind that birds often sense and feel tremors that are too small for humans to detect.
Remember, different species of birds favor different types of feeders, so find out what species of birds are indigenous to your locale before you buy or build your feeders.
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