Make Your Own Candy Bouquet
- 1). Cut a piece of florist foam using a serrated knife to fit inside a terra-cotta flowerpot. If you prefer, you use an empty metal coffee can or a vase instead. Decorate the outside of your chosen container. Use acrylic paints, glitter and stickers. Tie a ribbon to the neck of the container and secure it in place using hot glue.
- 2). Attach your chosen candy to the end of wooden skewers using a hot glue gun. The type and amount of candy you choose is up to you. Use candy such as candy bars and peanut butter cups. To prevent melting the chocolate in the candy, put the hot glue on the skewer and allow it to cool for 15 to 20 seconds before pressing the stick to the back of the candy bar. Allow the glue to cool completely.
- 3). Cut pieces of colored cellophane large enough to cover the candy. You need one for each piece of candy. Insert the end of each of the skewers without the candy through the center of the cellophane pieces. Bring the corners of the cellophane up above the candy and tie it in place using a piece of ribbon 6-inch-long ribbon. Choose ribbon that matches the color of the cellophane you used.
- 4). Insert the ends of the skewers into the florist foam. Adjust the length of the skewers as needed by cutting them with scissors. Stagger the height of the skewers to create a more visually interesting arrangement.
- 5). Cover the top of the florist foam with Easter basket grass. Apply some hot glue to the top of the foam and press the grass onto it.