How to Dispose of a Skunk
- 1). Contact your local animal control agency, which is often accessible through the police department, and ask them if they come and pick up dead skunks. Many do because they don't want residents to contract any possible diseases. Allow the animal control officer to get rid of the skunk for you.
- 2). Call the officials of your local township to see if animal burial is allowed where you live. Some communities permit this, while others don't. If it is permitted, put on a pair of thick plastic gloves. Pick up the dead skunk and set it in a plastic bag that can be sealed. Bury the skunk in your yard in accordance to the township's rules and regulations.
- 3). Place the skunk in the plastic bag inside a garbage can on trash day if burial is not permitted in your town. The skunk will be disposed of with the rest of the trash.