Oh the Glory of Your Presence!
Oh the glory of Your Presence! what glory it truly is to be sitting in His Presence.
Once that Presence envelops you, you feel like Peter on the Mount of Configuration when he wanted to build a tent and stay there forever.
It's as if you've suddenly come face to face with a little fawn in the woods.
You hardly dare to breathe for fear that you'll disturb that magical moment as in a flash it'll be gone forever.
It's so wonderful just to sit in peace and not have to say a thing.
The pains, concerns and trials you came to share with Him have somehow vanished.
Just being with Him and basking in His glory transforms you and the world around you.
The moment will pass but not His encouragement, power and wisdom.
For God always gives.
He never leaves you nor forsakes you.
13: 5) Unlike the elusive deer, He is always there, and will reveal Himself again and again whenever you diligently seek His face.
In His presence you'll never experience disappointment or discouragement.
In fact, after having tasted of His glory, you'll be compelled to stand to your feet with your hands outstretched towards Him with joyful praise on your lips! The urgent crises that confronted you don't seem so critical any more! You can feel His power rising up within you, bursting with a surge of faith that wasn't there before.
You're buoyed up and know that you know that you somehow: "can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth [you].
" (Phil.
4: 13) It is good to have a designated quiet spot where you can have your daily communion with Him.
What is most important to Him is to have a walking, talking relationship with Him.
In other words, it's not at all about feeling; it's the daily walk that counts.
You may feel absolutely nothing when you sit quietly with Him.
That does not mean that He's not there! Be mindful of the fact that feelings are only fleshly emotions.
Although it's wonderful to "feel" His Presence, and He does want you to experience it, the most important thing is to put your focus on Him.
His presence shows up whether you're in the midst of praising, sitting quietly in meditation, or ministering His love to others.
He inhabits the praises of His people.
Whatever you do unto Him according to His will goes up as incense unto Him! (Ps.
141: 2) Don't allow the cares and busyness of this world to keep you from doing everything as unto Him.
I especially love the Psalms as David, despite his many serious shortcomings, had a heart for God.
He's such a wonderful example of how to touch God's heart.
He would talk to his problems and then praise God! "Why are thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me? Hope thou in God; for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.
" (Ps.
42: 5) In other words, no matter what life-and-death situation he was in, he would stop, force his attention off the situation, and bring it before the Lord.
He was constantly hoping, believing, and expecting God to show up! "As the hart [deer] panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.
My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?" (Ps.
42: 1) I pray that you, like David, acquire an ever increasing thirst for God and discover the glory of His presence, which will deepen your faith and empower you to withstand the world's onslaughts.
Once that Presence envelops you, you feel like Peter on the Mount of Configuration when he wanted to build a tent and stay there forever.
It's as if you've suddenly come face to face with a little fawn in the woods.
You hardly dare to breathe for fear that you'll disturb that magical moment as in a flash it'll be gone forever.
It's so wonderful just to sit in peace and not have to say a thing.
The pains, concerns and trials you came to share with Him have somehow vanished.
Just being with Him and basking in His glory transforms you and the world around you.
The moment will pass but not His encouragement, power and wisdom.
For God always gives.
He never leaves you nor forsakes you.
13: 5) Unlike the elusive deer, He is always there, and will reveal Himself again and again whenever you diligently seek His face.
In His presence you'll never experience disappointment or discouragement.
In fact, after having tasted of His glory, you'll be compelled to stand to your feet with your hands outstretched towards Him with joyful praise on your lips! The urgent crises that confronted you don't seem so critical any more! You can feel His power rising up within you, bursting with a surge of faith that wasn't there before.
You're buoyed up and know that you know that you somehow: "can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth [you].
" (Phil.
4: 13) It is good to have a designated quiet spot where you can have your daily communion with Him.
What is most important to Him is to have a walking, talking relationship with Him.
In other words, it's not at all about feeling; it's the daily walk that counts.
You may feel absolutely nothing when you sit quietly with Him.
That does not mean that He's not there! Be mindful of the fact that feelings are only fleshly emotions.
Although it's wonderful to "feel" His Presence, and He does want you to experience it, the most important thing is to put your focus on Him.
His presence shows up whether you're in the midst of praising, sitting quietly in meditation, or ministering His love to others.
He inhabits the praises of His people.
Whatever you do unto Him according to His will goes up as incense unto Him! (Ps.
141: 2) Don't allow the cares and busyness of this world to keep you from doing everything as unto Him.
I especially love the Psalms as David, despite his many serious shortcomings, had a heart for God.
He's such a wonderful example of how to touch God's heart.
He would talk to his problems and then praise God! "Why are thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me? Hope thou in God; for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.
" (Ps.
42: 5) In other words, no matter what life-and-death situation he was in, he would stop, force his attention off the situation, and bring it before the Lord.
He was constantly hoping, believing, and expecting God to show up! "As the hart [deer] panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.
My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?" (Ps.
42: 1) I pray that you, like David, acquire an ever increasing thirst for God and discover the glory of His presence, which will deepen your faith and empower you to withstand the world's onslaughts.