Definition: to touch; to approach, be/go near; to affect
Prière de ne pas toucher les peintures - Please don't touch the paintings.
Nous touchons une période de calme - We're approaching a calm period.
Ma chambre touche la cuisine - My bedroom is next to the kitchen.
Cela ne te touche pas - That doesn't concern/affect you.
Related: Touche pas ! (inf) - Hands off!; toucher la main à qqun - to briefly shake hands with someone; Touchons du bois (inf) - Touch/Knock on wood; faire toucher du doigt qqch à qqun - to bring something home to someone; toucher un chèque - to cash a check; une touche - button, key; touch, stroke
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [too shay]
Prière de ne pas toucher les peintures - Please don't touch the paintings.
Nous touchons une période de calme - We're approaching a calm period.
Ma chambre touche la cuisine - My bedroom is next to the kitchen.
Cela ne te touche pas - That doesn't concern/affect you.
Related: Touche pas ! (inf) - Hands off!; toucher la main à qqun - to briefly shake hands with someone; Touchons du bois (inf) - Touch/Knock on wood; faire toucher du doigt qqch à qqun - to bring something home to someone; toucher un chèque - to cash a check; une touche - button, key; touch, stroke
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [too shay]