How to Go Green in Your Recruiting System and Hiring Process
Here's an exercise you might enjoy.
Take some time after work tonight and remove all of the pens from your office.
Tomorrow, see if you function at the same level as the day before.
If you do, you're running a green office.
If you don't, you're burning up natural resources by going through paper, you're adding chemicals and plastics to the environment by disposing of those pens at some point, and you are definitely not optimizing your or your employees' time.
This isn't the type of operation you want to run if you claim you're a "green" company, is it? Can it be as simple as eliminating the pens? Let's take it one step further.
Is your software disc based or cloud based? SaaS applicant tracking systems live in the cloud, leaving you without a need for clunky old computer equipment and servers in the office.
Your information is always there and your user experience will be better than anything you've experienced in recruiting before.
Those piles of paper applications you once had to go through will now no longer be necessary.
You could even, conceivably, just operate with a tablet if you wanted to.
Examine other aspects of your company recruiting systems.
What do applicants have to do when they first come in? Do you hand them a clipboard with a paper application on it or sit them down at a keyboard? Your recruiting software should provide you the option of taking applications via a terminal in the office or remotely.
Does your website have an application form available right on it? If not, you are definitely missing the boat on new technology.
If you don't recruit online you're just not getting quality people.
Your applicant tracking system should also integrate with other systems in your office, namely your accounting or payroll company, your CRM, and your email.
Communications back and forth should be recorded automatically, as should transactions and health care issues so there's confusion later on down the line.
Federal, state, and city guidelines need to be adhered to, so your recruitment system should be updated regularly, preferably automatically, so you never run afoul of the long arm of the law.
Green isn't just a fad anymore.
It's a necessity of our children's children are going to have a healthy planet to live on.
Now that you know removing the pens can make your office a little greener, take a few moments and go through and count them.
Force of habit is the reason the old-timers have a pen on their desk.
Laziness or lack of knowledge could explain it for the younger employees.
Your lack of action on upgrading software and systems could be a reason too.
Are you going to do something about it?
Take some time after work tonight and remove all of the pens from your office.
Tomorrow, see if you function at the same level as the day before.
If you do, you're running a green office.
If you don't, you're burning up natural resources by going through paper, you're adding chemicals and plastics to the environment by disposing of those pens at some point, and you are definitely not optimizing your or your employees' time.
This isn't the type of operation you want to run if you claim you're a "green" company, is it? Can it be as simple as eliminating the pens? Let's take it one step further.
Is your software disc based or cloud based? SaaS applicant tracking systems live in the cloud, leaving you without a need for clunky old computer equipment and servers in the office.
Your information is always there and your user experience will be better than anything you've experienced in recruiting before.
Those piles of paper applications you once had to go through will now no longer be necessary.
You could even, conceivably, just operate with a tablet if you wanted to.
Examine other aspects of your company recruiting systems.
What do applicants have to do when they first come in? Do you hand them a clipboard with a paper application on it or sit them down at a keyboard? Your recruiting software should provide you the option of taking applications via a terminal in the office or remotely.
Does your website have an application form available right on it? If not, you are definitely missing the boat on new technology.
If you don't recruit online you're just not getting quality people.
Your applicant tracking system should also integrate with other systems in your office, namely your accounting or payroll company, your CRM, and your email.
Communications back and forth should be recorded automatically, as should transactions and health care issues so there's confusion later on down the line.
Federal, state, and city guidelines need to be adhered to, so your recruitment system should be updated regularly, preferably automatically, so you never run afoul of the long arm of the law.
Green isn't just a fad anymore.
It's a necessity of our children's children are going to have a healthy planet to live on.
Now that you know removing the pens can make your office a little greener, take a few moments and go through and count them.
Force of habit is the reason the old-timers have a pen on their desk.
Laziness or lack of knowledge could explain it for the younger employees.
Your lack of action on upgrading software and systems could be a reason too.
Are you going to do something about it?