How to Build a Bug Cage
- 1). Draw a line from corner to corner on the plywood sheet. Draw a 7-inch circle using your compass and the intersection of the lines for your center.
- 2). Cut along the circle using your band saw, and cut the circle in half using your miter saw. Cut directly through the intersection of the straight lines to divide the disc in two. These are the front and back ends of your bug cage.
- 3). Drill a 2-inch hole through one of the ends. The hole should be centered, 3 ½ inches away from the corners of the half-disc and 3 inches away from the 7-inch edge.
- 4). Set the half-discs on their 7-inch edges so they are parallel and spaced 8 inches apart. Set the 8-inch board flat between them so the edges are flush. Screw two screws through each half-disc and into the ends of the board.
- 5). Staple the screen material over the round edges of the ends and to the edges of the board. Use one staple per inch.
- 6). Screw the 2-inch plywood over the 2-inch hole using the last screw. The screw should be positioned right above the top of the circle.