New Grad Interview Tips
It is important to put your best foot forward when interviewing for your first professional position. Here are some tips for new graduates as that may prove useful during the interview process:
Dress to Impress
You should always dress professionally (in business attire) for interviews. It never hurts to be overdressed, but showing up in sloppy or casual attire can create the impression that you are not serious about the position.
Jeans and tee shirts are not appropriate attire for an interview, even if the company is known for having a casual atmosphere. While you can’t control everything that happens in an interview, your appearance is one thing that you have total control over.
Match Key Qualities
The job description will give you a good idea of the qualities that the company is looking for in an ideal candidate. Match your coursework and abilities to those particular needs and prepare specific examples to discuss during the interview. Experience gained through your participation in college clubs and internships can be crucial in demonstrating that you have practical knowledge of the field.
Practice Interviewing
You should always have answers prepared in advance for the most commonly asked interview questions. It is also a good idea to attend practice sessions at your university’s career center if such services are offered, or to recruit a group of friends and classmates to stage your own practice sessions.
If no one is available to help, you can practice giving answers on video and evaluate your performance that way. Try not to sound too rehearsed while delivering your answers.
Do Your Homework
Always research the company in advance and have a good working knowledge of their products, services, and clients. Familiarity with the company’s activities shows initiative and interest. Always read the company’s website and search for the company’s recent activities using Google News. You can also research the professional background of the hiring manager and other company officials by looking up their profiles on LinkedIn. If the company maintains a social media presence on Facebook or Twitter be sure to follow them and review their recent posts.
Prepare Intelligent Questions
Show an interest in the company and use what you learned in your research to come up with intelligent questions to ask at the end of the interview. Always have at least one or two prepared questions ready to ask. If any additional questions come to mind during the interview you can add to your list. Do not ask about bonuses, vacation time, or anything that could seem candidate-oriented. You want to keep the focus on what you can do for the employer and not the other way around, especially during the initial interview phase. Job seeker benefits are something best left for subsequent interviews and offer letters.
Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts
Employers may ask to see your social media accounts, or they may find ways to check them in advance directly (if your privacy settings allow) or by having a mutual acquaintance give them access. Be sure you don’t have questionable content on any accounts that are directly tied to your name, as this can create a negative impression of you as a candidate.
Don’t Rely On GPA
While having a strong grade point average is a big plus, your GPA isn’t going to impress the employer to the point that they will offer you a job based on that alone. Be sure to have multiple examples of leadership and skill building activities to show that you are a well rounded candidate with the abilities necessary to excel in the position.
Have References Ready
Contact the individuals you plan to use as references well in advance and be sure they are willing to assist you in your job search. You certainly don’t want one of your references to be caught off guard when a potential employer calls for a recommendation! Bring a typed list of references to the interview with all relevant contact information for each reference (including their position, organization, address, email, and phone number).
Close Well
Let the interviewer know that you are very interested in the position, shake their hand firmly, and send them a personalized thank you note within 24 hours of the interview.
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New Grad Resume Tips
New Grad Career Tips