The Intuitive-Projective Stage of Spiritual Development

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    • The intuitive-projective stage of development is an imitative period where the individual is primarily influenced by the actions and motivations of those around him. He learns by experiencing spirituality through the actions and ideas of others. For instance, when the child begins going to church with his family, he watches the way his parents act in relation to the event, such as their moods, actions and impressions of their spirituality. If he sees his parents enjoying their religious experience and actively working to build spiritual lives for themselves, he will begin developing these same habits in his spiritual life.

    Fantasy Element

    • During the intuitive-projective stage, a child exhibits an appreciation for the fantastic elements of the religious process, particularly in religious stories. In this regard, she uses her imagination, rather than logic, to appreciate the story-oriented teaching style. Additionally, she is developing her own sense of understanding about morality by mimicking the morality of those around her. She is developing a sense of the social taboos and restrictions on her actions but does not possess an inherent understanding of why those actions are taboo.


    • The imitative nature of the intuitive-projective stage allows for mimicking of positive or negative ideals. Outside influences can derail a child's spiritual development by providing images of negative or destructive morality, which the child may attempt to mimic. Similarly, if a child witnesses poor spiritual habits on the part of his parents or close family, he may develop similarly poor spiritual habits. These include showing an unwillingness to go to church if he sees his parents' aversion to going or the abandonment of spiritual ideals in areas of life outside of the church environment.


    • The transition out of the intuitive-projective stage occurs when a child's cognitive skills develop into a desire to know how things work or why things are the way they are. A child will begin asking questions about the fantastic elements of religious stories and begin developing an independent understanding of morality that is not based on a mimicry of her parents' morality. This cognitive advance is the first step toward a child developing an independent understanding of religion and her own path toward spiritual development.

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