How Does Calorie Shifting Work?
A diet moving back into the forefront as a healthier diet is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet. This diet involves calorie shifting to maintain your high metabolism. Though this diet is not a new diet, it has been seeing a renewed interest recently. Many of the questions regarding this diet relate to exactly how the diet is supposed to work. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots website touches on what is involved with the program, but does not give real detailed information as to what exactly the diet involves. Let's touch on some of the information you might be interested in.
If you purchase this diet you will be given access to an e-book giving general instructions on the diet and a menu generator. The menu generator creates meal plans for you that are designed to vary the types of food and amount of calories that you are eating on a daily basis. This varying the food from day to day has to do with tricking your metabolism so that you burn the calories you would normally store with a lot of the starvation diets.
Often times other diets can deprive your body of enough calories and as a result your metabolism will slow down to conserve itself. Then when you do try to start eating your normal diet again your body does not burn sufficient calories and you usually quickly gain any weight that you lost back and possibly additional weight.
Using the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet, you will have days that are low calorie and other days that have more calories so your body doesn't go into the starvation mode and hold onto the fat deposits that you are trying to shed. Besides just altering the amount of calories you eat on a day by day basis, the program also alters the types of food that you eat each day. The combination of these two changes should keep your metabolism from slowing down and allow you to burn more calories in a more healthy manner instead of starving your body.
Most people find this diet to be an easier to maintain because you are always eating and not starving yourself as you do with many other diets. The program is designed so that you eat several times a day with shorter periods of time between the meals, which will help you to keep from feeling hungry and craving food. Feeling too hungry is the main reason that most people go off of diets, so the frequent meals help you maintain this program and continue to lose weight.
As with any diet, you should not stay on this program for a long period of time. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet runs in 14 day cycles. To lose your desired weight you can do as many of these cycles as it takes to reach your final goal. Then once you have reached your goal you should resume normal, healthy eating and a well balanced diet to be sure that your body is getting the nutrients that it needs.
Also I would make the recommendation that you add exercise to this diet. As with any diet exercise should be a key ingredient. Exercise helps you to increase your metabolism thus eating more calories and fat as well as helping you to dump the waste from your body. Your exercise program need not be extremely rigorous, a brisk walk each day is better than sitting on the couch. If you can do the exercise before breakfast you will consume the stored calories before adding anymore to your system.
I have personally lost my excess weight by doing a modification of the calorie shifting diet. This was due to my crazy work schedule that would not allow me to consume many meals on some days of the week.
If you are interested in this diet look on my blog for more information on obtaining it.
If you purchase this diet you will be given access to an e-book giving general instructions on the diet and a menu generator. The menu generator creates meal plans for you that are designed to vary the types of food and amount of calories that you are eating on a daily basis. This varying the food from day to day has to do with tricking your metabolism so that you burn the calories you would normally store with a lot of the starvation diets.
Often times other diets can deprive your body of enough calories and as a result your metabolism will slow down to conserve itself. Then when you do try to start eating your normal diet again your body does not burn sufficient calories and you usually quickly gain any weight that you lost back and possibly additional weight.
Using the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet, you will have days that are low calorie and other days that have more calories so your body doesn't go into the starvation mode and hold onto the fat deposits that you are trying to shed. Besides just altering the amount of calories you eat on a day by day basis, the program also alters the types of food that you eat each day. The combination of these two changes should keep your metabolism from slowing down and allow you to burn more calories in a more healthy manner instead of starving your body.
Most people find this diet to be an easier to maintain because you are always eating and not starving yourself as you do with many other diets. The program is designed so that you eat several times a day with shorter periods of time between the meals, which will help you to keep from feeling hungry and craving food. Feeling too hungry is the main reason that most people go off of diets, so the frequent meals help you maintain this program and continue to lose weight.
As with any diet, you should not stay on this program for a long period of time. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet runs in 14 day cycles. To lose your desired weight you can do as many of these cycles as it takes to reach your final goal. Then once you have reached your goal you should resume normal, healthy eating and a well balanced diet to be sure that your body is getting the nutrients that it needs.
Also I would make the recommendation that you add exercise to this diet. As with any diet exercise should be a key ingredient. Exercise helps you to increase your metabolism thus eating more calories and fat as well as helping you to dump the waste from your body. Your exercise program need not be extremely rigorous, a brisk walk each day is better than sitting on the couch. If you can do the exercise before breakfast you will consume the stored calories before adding anymore to your system.
I have personally lost my excess weight by doing a modification of the calorie shifting diet. This was due to my crazy work schedule that would not allow me to consume many meals on some days of the week.
If you are interested in this diet look on my blog for more information on obtaining it.