Bodybuilding Workout Routine Techniques
7 ways to reach maximum mass growth and strength objectives 1) Don't put a massive amount of effort into you're warm-up sets; save yourself for the work sets.
When you move to a different exercise, you must do at least one set at a weight lower than you're 'working weight' - don't move straight to a 'work set', or you risk injury.
2) The above workout should be performed at the most three times a week.
Remember, workouts only stimulate the muscle growth process - you grow when you're body has recovered from the workout (as muscle tissue is damaged during training).
When recovery has taken place, the muscles then 'overcompensate' by growing (hypertrophy) and becoming stronger, so that they are better able to cope with the workload next time it is imposed.
This is a response to the physical stress of training, and will only occur during periods of rest and recuperation (i.
when you are not training).
3) You will only grow if you're diet is adequate - you can't build muscle without supplying enough protein from you're diet.
4) Since every individual has a different tolerance to exercise, the above workout, if done correctly, may prove too much in one session.
The workout is only an example, and you must ultimately find out what works best for you.
However, as a beginner, it is good to have some training guidelines until you 'know you're body'.
If the above is too much, you could try reducing the work sets on each exercise to one.
Alternatively, you could train thighs and calves on their own, have a day or two of rest, and then train the upper body, and alternate in this fashion.
5) Don't be tempted to do a lot of sets; if you overtrain, you'll not only end up probably feeling ill, you will also put you're body in a catabolic state (tissue break-down), which means that you're muscles will actually get smaller and become weaker.
'More' is definitely not better.
6) As you get stronger, and find that you are able to complete more than the target number of reps in strict form, then you must increase the weight on the bar in order to continue progressing.
Increase it so that you are again just able to complete you're rep target.
If you don't continually increase the stress on you're muscles, they will have no further reason to grow, and you're progress will stop.
7) After you have been training for some time, say six months, you may notice that some areas are progressing in size and strength more than others.
It is then time to alter you're training of the lagging body parts to bring them up to par with the rest of you're physique.
You will learn how to do this with experience; there are countless ways of altering set/rep schemes, exercises, etc.
, all of which are involved in intermediate and advanced training.
When you move to a different exercise, you must do at least one set at a weight lower than you're 'working weight' - don't move straight to a 'work set', or you risk injury.
2) The above workout should be performed at the most three times a week.
Remember, workouts only stimulate the muscle growth process - you grow when you're body has recovered from the workout (as muscle tissue is damaged during training).
When recovery has taken place, the muscles then 'overcompensate' by growing (hypertrophy) and becoming stronger, so that they are better able to cope with the workload next time it is imposed.
This is a response to the physical stress of training, and will only occur during periods of rest and recuperation (i.
when you are not training).
3) You will only grow if you're diet is adequate - you can't build muscle without supplying enough protein from you're diet.
4) Since every individual has a different tolerance to exercise, the above workout, if done correctly, may prove too much in one session.
The workout is only an example, and you must ultimately find out what works best for you.
However, as a beginner, it is good to have some training guidelines until you 'know you're body'.
If the above is too much, you could try reducing the work sets on each exercise to one.
Alternatively, you could train thighs and calves on their own, have a day or two of rest, and then train the upper body, and alternate in this fashion.
5) Don't be tempted to do a lot of sets; if you overtrain, you'll not only end up probably feeling ill, you will also put you're body in a catabolic state (tissue break-down), which means that you're muscles will actually get smaller and become weaker.
'More' is definitely not better.
6) As you get stronger, and find that you are able to complete more than the target number of reps in strict form, then you must increase the weight on the bar in order to continue progressing.
Increase it so that you are again just able to complete you're rep target.
If you don't continually increase the stress on you're muscles, they will have no further reason to grow, and you're progress will stop.
7) After you have been training for some time, say six months, you may notice that some areas are progressing in size and strength more than others.
It is then time to alter you're training of the lagging body parts to bring them up to par with the rest of you're physique.
You will learn how to do this with experience; there are countless ways of altering set/rep schemes, exercises, etc.
, all of which are involved in intermediate and advanced training.