All About Penis Enlarging Exercises - A Method That Will Help You Get Bigger
However, sorting through all of these methods until you find one that works can be a real pain.
To help you out, this article will go over the method I found most effective when it comes to really getting bigger: penis enlarging exercises.
Of all of the gimmicky pills and devices I tried, these exercises were the most effective in adding both length AND thickness to my penis.
The sexual confidence I've gained from the experience has been amazing and I hope this article can help you discover the same success I did.
First of all, you should know that these 'exercises' aren't going to require you to lift weights with your penis or anything silly like that.
Instead, penis exercises have you use your hands to move blood through the penis.
The increased pressure this creates causes you to break down the cell walls within your penis tissues on a microscopic level.
You don't feel this at all, but the stress is enough to cause your tissues to re-grow again on a larger level than before (much in the same way that muscles do when you workout).
To give you a better idea of exactly how such a method of penis enlarging would look, I've laid out the three basic steps to any good exercise routine below.
Step 1) Warm-Up Any exercise will begin by having you wrap a warm, wet towel around your penis.
This will allow your penis tissues to gradually expand and help them better respond to the exercises.
Alternatively, you can also warm up by sitting in a hot bathe for a few minutes as well.
Step 2) Preparation: Next, you need to get your penis to about 50 or 60% of a full erection.
For some guys, this already happens from the warm up so no worries if you're already there.
Having your penis in this state means that there's enough blood in it to move around when doing the exercises, but you're not so hard that the blood doesn't have any room to move around.
Finally, apply a lubricant such as lotion or Vaseline.
Step 3) The Exercise: This is where you would perform an exercise such as the "Jelq", Horizontal Motion, or Kegels.
Many different exercises exist because penis enlarging is based on more than just length.
While some exercises do focus on adding inches in length, others focus on giving you a wider penis.
At the same time, other exercises exist that focus on giving you harder erections, or making you last longer in bed.
In this way penis enlarging exercises can focus on not only size but also overall penis health and sexual performance, something that can't be said for many other forms of enlargement.