Plant Medicine is a Revolutionary Treatment for Shingles
Most people who have had chickenpox never develop shingles; however, anyone who has ever had chickenpox or been vaccinated against chickenpox can develop shingles, including children. It is not well understood why this happens in some people and not others. Shingles most commonly occurs in people age fifty years and older and the incidence of the disease keeps increasing with increasing age. People who have medical conditions that keep the immune system from working properly, or people who receive immunosuppressive drugs are also at greater risk to get shingles.
Shingles usually starts as a rash with blisters that scab after three to five days. The most frequently mentioned symptom is pain. The rash and pain usually occur in a band on one side of the body, or clustered on one side of the face. The rash usually clears within two to four weeks. Before the rash develops, there is often pain, itching, or tingling in the area where the rash will develop. Other symptoms of shingles can include fever, headache, chills, and upset stomach. Rarely, shingles can lead to pneumonia, hearing problems, blindness, scarring, brain inflammation, or death.
You should manage a case as following. Keep the skin clean to help prevent secondary bacterial infections. Cover lesions to prevent transmission to susceptible individuals. Avoid direct contact with immunocompromised persons. Hospital staff who develop varicella zoster should not be allowed to return to work until all lesions have crusted over or are well covered by clothing. Healthcare workers caring for immunocompetent hospitalized persons with localized varicella zoster need only use routine practices and contact precautions for the duration of the illness.
If the patient has disseminated disease, airborne and contact precautions in addition to routine practices should be implemented until all lesions are crusted. In hospitalized immunocompromised persons with localized or disseminated zoster, routine practices, airborne, and contact precautions should be used until all lesions are crusted. Varicella zoster is usually a self-limited disease and supportive treatment is often all that is required. Acyclovir, famcyclovir, and valcyclovir are all effective in treating acute infection.
Treatment with antivirals can be considered in the following conditions. Healthy individuals with dermatomal disease if varicella zoster is diagnosed within three days of onset. This may decrease the viral shedding, the duration of skin lesions, and possibly reduce the risk of PHN. For severely ill patients with disseminated disease, only acyclovir is available for intravenous therapy. Valcyclovir and famcyclovir have been shown to reduce the risk of PHN following treatment of localized disease in immunologically normal patients.
Although synthetic drugs are effective, they have much side effects with high price. Some ailments could not be treated by synthetic drugs. Use natural plant medicine to eliminate the rash, pain, and irritation from shingles. The tide of backing to nature is rising in the world especially in the United States and usage of natural plant medicine is consistent with this idea. Independent, published medical studies provide quantitative proof that the ingredients in plant medicine deactivates the herpes zoster virus which causes shingles on contact.
Plant medicine has significant effect with little side effect and thus is very popular. It is pure, all natural, and certified organic. The medicinal extracts in plant medicine work to prevent shingles outbreaks and to deactivate them when they do occur. Plant medicine represents the safest, most efficient, and affordable means available to eliminate shingles outbreaks. It is recommended by more non-profit medical establishments and doctors than any other treatment. Plant medicine is a revolutionary medical treatment for shingles. To learn more, please go to [].