Overlooked Reasons Why Most Can"t Regrow Their Hair
You can try a thousand and one different products claiming to treat your balding hair and none of them will work.
That's a sad but true statement.
The reason why this is the case is because you must target the root causes of why your hair will not grow.
This is what many fail to understand that is costing them a lot of their time and money.
Let's say you're having problems with your power steering in your car and so you go to the auto parts store and purchase brakes.
Will your power steering now all of a sudden work once you put those new brakes on? Probably not.
This may sound like a very weird analogy, but that's just how some are attacking their hair loss problem.
You can't aim blindly and expect to see good results just because a certain treatment is getting a ton of testimonials.
So what are some various causes of thin hair that must be corrected? First of all a lack of blood circulation in the scalp region will lead to some devastating effects.
The reason this is the case is linked to the fact that your follicles must be fed nutrients from your blood in order to thrive.
Cutting off this circulation would be like starving yourself for a week.
Your bodily organs will start to break down and you wouldn't live very long.
Scalp massage is a very simple and effective way to enhance blood flow and it only takes about 10 minutes a day.
How often do you shampoo your hair? Once a week? Twice a week? Every single day? Believe it or not, shampooing your hair every single day is one of the biggest mistakes you could make.
Your scalp requires a certain amount of natural oils in order for hair to grow properly.
When you shampoo daily you wash away these oils, not giving your scalp enough time to recover.
That's a sad but true statement.
The reason why this is the case is because you must target the root causes of why your hair will not grow.
This is what many fail to understand that is costing them a lot of their time and money.
Let's say you're having problems with your power steering in your car and so you go to the auto parts store and purchase brakes.
Will your power steering now all of a sudden work once you put those new brakes on? Probably not.
This may sound like a very weird analogy, but that's just how some are attacking their hair loss problem.
You can't aim blindly and expect to see good results just because a certain treatment is getting a ton of testimonials.
So what are some various causes of thin hair that must be corrected? First of all a lack of blood circulation in the scalp region will lead to some devastating effects.
The reason this is the case is linked to the fact that your follicles must be fed nutrients from your blood in order to thrive.
Cutting off this circulation would be like starving yourself for a week.
Your bodily organs will start to break down and you wouldn't live very long.
Scalp massage is a very simple and effective way to enhance blood flow and it only takes about 10 minutes a day.
How often do you shampoo your hair? Once a week? Twice a week? Every single day? Believe it or not, shampooing your hair every single day is one of the biggest mistakes you could make.
Your scalp requires a certain amount of natural oils in order for hair to grow properly.
When you shampoo daily you wash away these oils, not giving your scalp enough time to recover.