How to Get a Marble Look When Painting a Wall
- 1). Prepare the wall for paint by sanding the walls to remove any marks or gloss. Marks, such as stains or light scratches can show through your new paint finish. Sanding also removes the glossy finish on the wall that may keep your new paint from adhering properly. If necessary, use spackling paste to repair damaged areas on the wall and smooth it because faux marble looks best on flat surfaces. After sanding and repairing, wipe the wall with a damp cloth to remove the dust.
- 2). Prime the wall with a high-quality primer to seal porous areas and cover any old paint on the wall. Wait for it to dry.
- 3). Paint with colors that represent your choice of marble. For darker colors, use black, white and gray, and for greens choose shades of white, gray and green. The paint may be too thick so mix it with water using a one-part water, three-parts paint mixture.
- 4). Apply one color at a time, starting from dark and ending in light colors, using the natural sea sponge. Dip the sponge into the paint and dab it onto the wall until the entire surface is covered in the first color. Dab the sponge onto the wall and press down hard enough so that the paint spreads on the wall. If you dab too lightly, you will only leave marks from the tips of the sponge. Dab over edges so that you cannot see where you started or stopped. Repeat this process for every color and do not hesitate to redo areas that are too dark or light and not well blended. The pattern of real marble is not consistent so it is acceptable for your faux marble application to be inconsistent as well.
- 5). Add the veining using a No. 4 flat paint brush. These are commonly found at craft and hardware stores. Lightly dip the brush into the vein color you have chosen then drag the brush across the wall in a crooked line, in any direction. Paint additional lines that branch off of that first line to more closely represent the look of real marble. Repeat until you have covered the wall with veins, creating main veins with branches. Wait for the paint to dry before continuing.
- 6). Apply the Varathane gloss over your faux marble to give it the luster of real marble. Apply it with a flat brush and let it dry before adding one additional coat.