How to Sew Decorations in Crafts for Kids
- 1). Cut two matching 4-inch-diameter circles from felt.
- 2). Thread a darning needle with 12 inches of yarn. Place the circles together and insert the needle, going from back to front, 1/4 inch from the edge of the felt. Pull the needle and yarn through the felt and leave a 6-inch tail.
- 3). Bring the needle to the backside of the felt and insert the needle 1/4 inch from the previous stitch. Continue stitching until the pieces are joined about halfway.
- 4). Push a small amount of cotton into the pocket to create a puffy look. Continue to stitch around the edge until you meet the starting stitch. Cut the yarn off and leave a tail.
- 5). Tie a knot using the two tails and cut off the loose strings.
- 6). Glue a magnet to the back of the felt and use it as a refrigerator magnet. Add a face to the front with different-colored felt pieces and glue.
- 1). Cut a rectangular piece of plastic canvas. Plastic canvas can be purchased at craft stores and is available in an assortment of colors.
- 2). Cut 12 inches of yarn and thread the darning needle. Push the needle through the back of the plastic into a corner hole. Leave a 6-inch tail.
- 3). Insert the needle into the second hole, going from back to front. Continue until you reach the top of the row, flip the canvas and continue to add stitches until the canvas is covered with stitches.
Refrigerator Magnet