Free Construction Games to Play
- Smash, jump or fly over obstacles using the variety of construction vehicles at your disposal. Changing your vehicle costs you blocks, and each level has a minimum number of blocks you have to keep in order to win. Using strategy, like looking ahead to check out future obstacles, you can minimize your block spending and succeed. You unlock bonuses at the end of each level when you use all the different vehicles at your disposal.
- Squeeze blocks of different shapes into an outlined area to construct towers. The game starts with simple structures and easy to stack blocks, and gets harder as you continue through the levels. The blocks spin wildly if you're not careful when you pick them up, and they can knock over other blocks, so you have to use care. Each of the game's three modes of difficulty have completely different puzzles to solve.
- Construct a bridge to help the purple creatures cross safely. You construct the bridge in "blueprint mode," where the map has a grid, and you can place the bridge and its supports. Each one costs money, however, and you can't overspend your budget. Placing the bridges requires some planning and often a little trial and error at first, because if the bridge isn't stable, the creatures won't make it across.
- "Stackopolis" is trickier than its instructions make it sound. Competing with a strict timer, you must move blocks around to match the number of blocks shown on each square in the blueprint you're provided. When you successfully complete each level, the structure you've built turns into a building. The biggest challenge is positioning your blocks quickly and accurately. Each level has a code, so if you fail, you can type in the code of the level you failed on and you won't have to go back through the previous levels all over again.
LEGO: Construction
Catastrophic Construction
FWG Bridge