Male Penis Enlargement - As Opposed to What? Female Penis Enlargement?
Penis enlargement has become a social taboo that is for some reason not an acceptable topic for conversation despite the fact that nearly every man wishes he could be bigger.
Companies mask their products with names like "male penis enlargement" and "natural male enhancement".
My problem with this is that women don't have to be quiet about wanting their man to have a bigger penis, so why do we have to pretend we don't wish we had a bigger penis? Besides, if penis enlargement was a more open topic, more guys would get proper information on the subject and avoid many of the scams that exist today.
There are a million and one products that claim they can make you bigger, but the fact of the matter is that only a handful of them actually work.
This article will walk you through the basic workings of the penis, and I'll even share with you the method I used to start seeing results.
First of all, you should know that your penis is actually fairly complex, made up of several chambers called the "corpus cavernosum".
These are made up of spongy "smooth muscle" tissues (more about this in a second).
These chambers are extremely important to penis enlargement because once they have filled up with blood, they limit your maximum erect size.
However, if you were to find a method that could actually increase the size of these chambers over time, you would be looking at a permanently larger erection size.
The cool thing about all of this is that those smooth muscle tissues I mentioned earlier respond to stress and stimuli much like other muscles in your body.
For example, when you lift weights, the new stress will causes your body to fortify the region with extra growth over time, in order to better prepare you to handle that stress.
Smooth muscles are exactly the same, except you don't have conscious control over them like you do your skeletal muscles.
The point is that natural male penis enlargement exercises can work wonders for permanently growing your penis.
You'll have to have some patience, as just like in other exercising it does take time to see significant results.
However, if you are willing to stay dedicated, usually these simple exercises (using your hands to manipulate the tissues of your penis) can be easy, painless, and implemented in workouts of just 5 or 10 minutes each day.