The Impact of Health Information Systems on System Management
The article focuses on the range of managerial implications and applications of health information systems.
Consequently, the key concepts around which the discussion will revolve are health system governance, interoperability and healthcare strategy and evaluation.
As far as health systems governance is concerned, one has to first realize the importance of governance in general.
Governance significantly contributes to economic growth, social advancement and overall development.
In order to efficiently promote good governance of the health system, special attention must be paid to assessment.
Improved performance of the health system and better outcomes are achieved through this important key determinant.
The increasing demand to prove results and accountability in the health sector within a context of more and more resources being put into health systems has transformed health systems governance into a critical concern.
There has been established an analytical framework for assessing governance of the health system, which is based on ten principles.
These are: - strategic vision; - rule of law; - participation and consensus orientation; - responsiveness; - transparency; - effectiveness and efficiency; - equity and inclusiveness; - accountability; - ethics; - intelligence and information.
Another key concept when speaking about managerial impact of health informatics is interoperability.
This term defines the ability to communicate and exchange data in an accurate, effective, secure and consistent way by means of different information technology systems, software applications and networks in various settings.
The transmission of data has to be done so that the meaning of the information isn't altered.
Applied to healthcare sector, interoperability implies the capacity of technology systems and software applications to communicate and exchange data effectively, accurately and consistently and then to make use of the respective information in relation to patients.
The next point of interest in this article resides in strategies and evaluations of healthcare systems.
So that healthcare systems attain a level of efficiency as high as possible, efforts must be channeled towards planning business strategies, healthcare system implementation and evaluation, healthcare technology management and diffusion, as well as envisioning and monitoring the impacts of health information technology.
The first process mentioned requires creating a strategic vision that puts in agreement the goals of senior management with the changing needs of the healthcare marketplace.
By means of e-health strategies, e-consumers' needs and business requirements are identified, and thus telemarketing and virtual network management concepts are materialized.
Once these three major aspects are taken into consideration, one can have a clearer picture upon the managerial impact that health information systems have.
Consequently, the key concepts around which the discussion will revolve are health system governance, interoperability and healthcare strategy and evaluation.
As far as health systems governance is concerned, one has to first realize the importance of governance in general.
Governance significantly contributes to economic growth, social advancement and overall development.
In order to efficiently promote good governance of the health system, special attention must be paid to assessment.
Improved performance of the health system and better outcomes are achieved through this important key determinant.
The increasing demand to prove results and accountability in the health sector within a context of more and more resources being put into health systems has transformed health systems governance into a critical concern.
There has been established an analytical framework for assessing governance of the health system, which is based on ten principles.
These are: - strategic vision; - rule of law; - participation and consensus orientation; - responsiveness; - transparency; - effectiveness and efficiency; - equity and inclusiveness; - accountability; - ethics; - intelligence and information.
Another key concept when speaking about managerial impact of health informatics is interoperability.
This term defines the ability to communicate and exchange data in an accurate, effective, secure and consistent way by means of different information technology systems, software applications and networks in various settings.
The transmission of data has to be done so that the meaning of the information isn't altered.
Applied to healthcare sector, interoperability implies the capacity of technology systems and software applications to communicate and exchange data effectively, accurately and consistently and then to make use of the respective information in relation to patients.
The next point of interest in this article resides in strategies and evaluations of healthcare systems.
So that healthcare systems attain a level of efficiency as high as possible, efforts must be channeled towards planning business strategies, healthcare system implementation and evaluation, healthcare technology management and diffusion, as well as envisioning and monitoring the impacts of health information technology.
The first process mentioned requires creating a strategic vision that puts in agreement the goals of senior management with the changing needs of the healthcare marketplace.
By means of e-health strategies, e-consumers' needs and business requirements are identified, and thus telemarketing and virtual network management concepts are materialized.
Once these three major aspects are taken into consideration, one can have a clearer picture upon the managerial impact that health information systems have.