Want To Make Sex Last Longer For You And Your Woman? Try These 2 Simple And Effective Tips Today!
You know you have to do something about it urgently before your wife and girlfriend gets even more frustrated and decides she's had enough.
Here are 2 very easy-to-do tips you can use today to put a stop to your premature ejaculation troubles, and begin giving her better sex every night! Easy Tip No.
1 - Adopt a more better breathing technique during sex You know the problem very well.
You get all tensed up whenever you have sex and end up losing control of your sexual arousals.
The end result: early ejaculation.
It is actually easy to prevent this whenever you make love to your woman.
There are several ways of breathing to keep your body and mind more relaxed.
Using this manner of breathing will help you release whatever tension build up in you.
This will leave you with better awareness of your sexual arousal levels, and be able to better respond to it and not end up climaxing too soon.
Easy Tip No.
2 - Try out different sex positions When it comes to sex, your penis is the one and only sexually stimulating point on your body.
All the thrusting and penetrating which you do every time you have sex only exposes your most vital zone to a huge amount of sensations which makes you easily excited.
What you need to do is to find a way to reduce the amount of stimulation on your genitals without sacrificing the quality of your sexual activity.
But how? Well, there are plenty of different positions which you can make love in.
Some positions are less stimulating to your male organ, and allow you to remain relaxed throughout the session.
Try experimenting with the various positions you know of, and find the best one which gives you ample opportunity to keep going longer without having to ejaculate too early in the game.
These are just 2 of many different things you can do to decrease the risk of you finishing up too soon each time you have sex.
Make them a habit in your sex life, and you will eventually have no problems in enjoying a longer time in bed with a genuinely satisfied woman!