Setting Your Sights on Eternity - Making Your Life Count
Life can get so busy just in the living, but have you ever had a good look at what you are doing and wondered what you are doing that will last for eternity? Any progress you make toward God and your relationship with Him won't be wasted but how many people have time to read their Bibles and spend time obeying God and in prayer? What are you doing that will have eternal significance? If you bought one Bible for a Chinese Christian you would make a big impact on a whole community of believers over there.
If you took a homeless person out for a meal at a restaurant you might do that broken man untold good for eternity.
Essentially we have to ask ourselves what God are we serving? Are we serving the God of heaven on the lusts of the flesh? Are we serving God or Mammon? On Christian television we have a hundred preachers asking for our money, everywhere we turn there are needs and people that need our money, but let us forget about our money, what about our skills and our time? Have you got a skill that can draw people closer to Christ or lead people to Christ? Have you got a desire to further the kingdom? Could you do some study and change occupations and work in a job that brings the Lord a better harvest? Have you got a talent? Are you good at something? Can you offer something to God? Jesus says in the parable of the talents that we all have a talent.
Are you using yours for eternal purposes or just for carnal lusts of the flesh purposes? Are you doing things that will last for eternity? Is your work on earth going to be burned in the fire in the last day or is there going to be something made of gold left over? Let me pray Dear Father I ask that you come to me this day with your will and with your Spirit and show me what I need to do for you that will last and have eternal significance.
Today I ask that through your Spirit you take hold of my life and direct me toward doing things that which will last for eternity.
Help me to focus on eternity and the treasure that I can store in heaven and help me to walk in a more faithful manner.
In Jesus name I ask Amen
If you took a homeless person out for a meal at a restaurant you might do that broken man untold good for eternity.
Essentially we have to ask ourselves what God are we serving? Are we serving the God of heaven on the lusts of the flesh? Are we serving God or Mammon? On Christian television we have a hundred preachers asking for our money, everywhere we turn there are needs and people that need our money, but let us forget about our money, what about our skills and our time? Have you got a skill that can draw people closer to Christ or lead people to Christ? Have you got a desire to further the kingdom? Could you do some study and change occupations and work in a job that brings the Lord a better harvest? Have you got a talent? Are you good at something? Can you offer something to God? Jesus says in the parable of the talents that we all have a talent.
Are you using yours for eternal purposes or just for carnal lusts of the flesh purposes? Are you doing things that will last for eternity? Is your work on earth going to be burned in the fire in the last day or is there going to be something made of gold left over? Let me pray Dear Father I ask that you come to me this day with your will and with your Spirit and show me what I need to do for you that will last and have eternal significance.
Today I ask that through your Spirit you take hold of my life and direct me toward doing things that which will last for eternity.
Help me to focus on eternity and the treasure that I can store in heaven and help me to walk in a more faithful manner.
In Jesus name I ask Amen