Type 2 Diabetes Screening
Type 2 Diabetes Screening
If the screening test for diabetes is positive, you may need further testing to ensure an accurate diagnosis. Your doctor may prescribe medication, along with a diet, regular exercise regimen, and lifestyle program, to help you manage your blood sugar and prevent serious problems.
In this article
- Who Should Be Screened for Diabetes?
- What Are the Diabetes Risk Factors?
- What Test Is Used to Screen for Diabetes?
- What if the Diabetes Screening Test Is Negative?
- What if the Diabetes Screening Test Is Positive?
What if the Diabetes Screening Test Is Positive?
If the screening test for diabetes is positive, you may need further testing to ensure an accurate diagnosis. Your doctor may prescribe medication, along with a diet, regular exercise regimen, and lifestyle program, to help you manage your blood sugar and prevent serious problems.