Native Desert Seeds
- Most soils in desert areas are arid, dry and rocky, which are coarse and light in color. These soils contain a low amount of organic material. Native desert seeds germinate well in soils resembling their natural habitat, but they do not grow well in wet soil.
- Desert soils dry out more quickly than other soil types. Moisture only needs to reach the top 2 to 4 inches of soil to cause seed germination. After the native seeds emerge, watering needs to mimic the soaking showers in the desert.
- Mesquite trees are germinated from a bean-like seed, which is edible. The wood from the mesquite tree is commonly used for grilling. Agave plants are numerous in desert areas, but are sometimes grown as large houseplants. Cactus seeds only need a little sand and moisture to germinate. Native varieties include needled and spineless types of plants.