Strategies to Find a Surrogate Mother
- At the preliminary levels couples can begin searching for surrogates within their family and friends. While considering family members for surrogacy it is necessary that the surrogate fulfills the basic criteria for carrying a baby.
- Couples can also visit the IVF clinics that conduct surrogacy programs. Such clinics have a comprehensive list of surrogates and couples can contact them from the list.
- Several websites also have a list of women willing to rent their womb. The sites offer online consultancy by giving them information of the surrogates and the fertility clinics that would help couples achieve the same.
- Couples can also consider hiring a private agent who would help them find a surrogate mother. However, couples need to comprehend the fact that, such private agents do not give any guarantee about the surrogate, but only provide information of women willing to act as surrogates. It is the decision and discretion of the concerned couples to select the right and reliable kind of woman for the program.
Finding a woman who is willing to help the couples from heart and not only for compensation can really get difficult. It needs to be understood that a woman needs to fit in to certain criteria to act as a surrogate. She should be emotionally and physically fit. She should not suffer from any serious illness and any type of sexually transmitted diseases. The women should also be mentally sound and should not suffer from any kind of psychiatric illness.
If the couples are from abroad and are willing to hire surrogate from India, then they should also do all the necessary planning so that they can take back the child home. This includes keeping all the documents handy that would secure the child's citizenship of his native country. For this, the couples would have to prove their biological link to the child through DNA test. Medical documents proving biological association of the child to his parents, legal documents governing the surrogacy process and travel papers all need to be kept ready. All these would be necessary for the couples to take back their child to their native country.
Based on the above mentioned criteria, couples can begin their search for an appropriate surrogate mother. The process of surrogacy is legalized in India which again makes the process of finding a surrogate mother easy.
Surrogacy has brought smiles to many a faces and couples can now enjoy parenthood with their own biological child.
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