Dog Stains on Hardwood Floors
- First, clean up as much of the stain as possible. For dog feces, gather as much as possible with paper towels. Clean urine stains by blotting the stain with a handful of paper towels. Wipe up as much of the stain as possible to keep it from setting in and make the stain removal procedure much easier.
- Next, mix a solution of 1 cup distilled white vinegar to 1 gallon warm water in a bucket. Dip a mop or sponge into this solution, wringing out excess water---too much water can damage the hardwood. Wipe the mop or sponge across the stain, repeating as often as necessary until you have removed as much of the stain as possible. The vinegar will work to clean, disinfect and deodorize the area without harming the hardwood surface or finish.
- For stains that do not completely clear up with the vinegar and water solution, use hydrogen peroxide. Cover the stain with an old cloth or a handful of paper towels, then pour 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (the type of peroxide used for cuts and scrapes on the body) on top of the cloth or paper towels. Put a plastic bag or plastic wrap over the saturated area, which will keep the peroxide moist and working during this process. Allow to sit for about an hour, then throw away the paper towels and plastic bag.
- Collect all of the moisture so it does not set into the floor, causing water damage. Wipe up the area with dry paper towels or a cloth, then cover with a dusting of baking soda or kitty litter, both of which work as absorbent agents that also deodorize. Let sit for a few hours, then sweep or vacuum the excess absorbing agent. You have now removed the stain, leaving your floor free of odor and looking great.
Vinegar and Water Stain Removal
Hydrogen Peroxide for Tough Stains
Drying the Floor