Understanding the Buying Cycle
Once you understand this cycle you will be able to start making more sales and you will be more profitable in the things that you are doing.
The cycle is made up of 5 basic steps or phases, and here is what they basically look like.
The first step that any buyer goes through is awareness of needs.
This is where someone realizes that they have a need for something.
An example is, if Dee drops her toothbrush in the toilet she realizes she needs another one now.
The second step in the cycle is assessment of alternatives.
This is where the buyer thinks about all of the options for the product or service that she is going to use.
Using the example above, Dee thinks about all of the different brands, colors, and features that all of the different toothbrushes have to offer that she can choose from.
The third step is called alleviation of risk.
This is where the buyer has thought about which product or service she is going to buy, but wants to know which risks are involved with purchasing the product.
Example, Dee decides she wants to buy a Colgate toothbrush but wants to know if it is going to make her gums bleed or if it is going to break while she is using it.
The forth step in the buying cycle is the decision.
This is where the buyer decides that she is going to buy the product that she has narrowed down in step 3.
An example is, Dee decides to buy the Colgate toothbrush.
The fifth and final step in the buying cycle is called achievement of results.
This is where the buyer evaluates how satisfied she is with the product that she has purchased.
For example, Dee uses the Colgate toothbrush and decides that it is a great toothbrush and she will definitely buy another one when this one wears out.
This is the technical description of the buying cycle with a few examples of my own thrown in.
It is very important for anyone who is selling anything, whether it be an affiliate product or a product or your own, to learn this cycle if you want to make more sales.