Cloak Your Valuables and Protect Your Home

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Because these are such unsettling times, to say the least, people have looked for ways to safeguard their possessions and themselves too. It used to be good enough to have a car alarm and a home security system in place. Ah, the good old days! Now security has been taken to a whole new high tech level. There are gadgets that would seem to come right out of a James Bond movie. Gadgets that are now accessible to you and I. These are things that are geared to protect us given the current day circumstances and social climate. We should all be glad that technology has been utilized to provide us with such an array of safety products, for just in case.

Let us explore some of these very useful gismos. Say you`re a parent of a young child and you both are in a crowded mall or on a busy street. You get distracted for just a second or two and your energetic child wanders off. This certainly would be cause to panic. How would your know where you kid went or what might happen to them?
Enter a child guard monitoring system. This small device is comprised of microchips and a transmitter that can be placed in your child`s pocket, inside a toy, or even worn around their neck. You the parent carry the receiver that emits a signal which gets louder and louder as you get closer to your child. Panic attack over.

There are also so many high tech surveillance systems that come equipped with infrared night vision, motion, and smoke detectors allowing you to monitor everything that goes on outside your home. These devices are all weather proof too, easily installed, and provide high resolution images.

One of my favorites is the mini GPS tracking system. This device comes in handy if you`re a parent and you want to know where your teenager is or has been and if they have been speeding. Have a spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend that you think might be getting a little something on the side? Then you might also want to get your hands on this gismo which has an internal computer that tracks and records data every second. It can tell you where the driver went, if they stopped anywhere, and for how long. You simply stash this small tracking device in glove compartment, under the seat, or even under the car, and it is ready to go.

Say for some reason (and no one needs to know why) you want to call someone but you don`t want your voice to be recognized. There are cell phones that can alter your voice to be completely unrecognizable. It can change a young man`s voice to an old man`s voice, a woman can sound like a man, and visa versa. Pretty cool stuff! There`s also a calling card that will change what someone sees in their caller ID and it can even record the conversation.

For inside your home there are safes and hiding places for your valuables. These safes obscure your belongings into what looks like ordinary household products. I`m not able to tell you exactly what those are for obvious reasons, but suffice it to say that a would-be burgler would not be able to get the goodies that are hidden in plain sight. Concerned about your nanny or care giver for your elderly parent? There are digital cameras disguised as clock radios, calculators, air purifiers, books sets, and even ones that look like a plants!

What if you are going somewhere and there is a cause for you to video something? Again, no one needs to know why. There are amazing high resolution cameras that also provide sound. Of course these are diguised as well. They might look like a watch, a tie, a pen, sunglasses, or a pocket book to name a few. Your clothes could in effect serve as a whole recording studio.

All of the personal safety gismos, from the disguised pepper sprays that look like cell phones, pens, or even lipsticks, and those that emit ear piercing shrieking sounds and alarms are all geared to give you time to run for safety. Let`s face it, it is all about keeping us and our loved ones safe at home or on the street. If we all lived in a peaceful crime-free society, none of these products would have been developed. Since that is not the case, thank goodness that these products were designed to proactively safeguard our lives. For a fascinating in depth look at the array of clever safety products, check out the site in the bio box. Stay safe.

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