Mutant Prostate Pain You Can"t Escape From
Some involve eating right.
Some involve supplementing.
Some involve simply having more sex ("Vitamin S", baby).
But, there are some prostate problems you can't fix with a pill, or food or surgery or medications or anything (not even Vitamin S...
) really.
Which problems am I talking about? The genetic ones.
Some people just have bad genes -- kind of like prostate "mutants.
" I'm in that camp.
And, frankly, this is why I would not be surprised if I got slapped with another round of prostate pain later in my life that make the last ones I had seem like a cake walk.
I think about it a lot, actually.
But, I refuse to wait around for it to happen.
And, you shouldn't either.
Here's what I mean: I heard a doctor once explain that, even if you have bad genes for certain health conditions, if you take certain vitamins and minerals and nutrients, you may be able to stave them off.
Kind of like they are filling in a "gap" in your health.
That is why I take everything I know to work.
Whether it's a certain kind of fruit...
an (unusual) supplement...
or, just going to a very specific doctor (besides just your regular doctor or urologist).
Frankly, if your problems are genetic, the only "wrong" thing you can do, is nothing.
So do your homework on prostate problems.
Learn your family prostate history.
And take precautions as soon as possible.
When dealing with prostate pain, the worst thing you can do is sit around and wait.