Things to Avoid for Epilepsy Patients
1- People should not avoid sleep, lack of sleep can increase the seizure occurrence in patients and they can get their condition worsen. Avoiding sleep can also cause depression and other problems too.
2- People must avoid the food and drinks like coffee, tea, chocolate, and the other foods that include carbohydrates. Low carbohydrates diet is beneficial in this condition so try to eat low carb diet but you must strictly stay away from caffeine products.
3- Patients should not be alone if they have the problem of epilepsy, it can let them feel more stressed and tensed on their condition.
4- Tension and stress are also responsible for worsening the condition of a seizure patient. You should ignore the things that can cause a bad mood and bad temper for you. Bad temper can increase your problem.
5- Do not disregard your medicines. If you are going through the Epilepsy treatment , you must take your medications regularly on time and see your doctor regularly.
6- You should not be lazy and idle. People should perform exercises and physical activity during treatment. It also helps to get well faster and effectively. There are some certain yoga exercises for treating seizures. Take out some time for these kinds of physical activities.
7- Alcohol affects the mind directly and changes the thinking and learning power of a man. It can enhance the triggers and problem of seizures in patients and reduces the probability of fast cure.
8- Negative feeling should be avoided by patients because it can cause desperation and hopelessness. A man or woman can also be the victim of depression due to the sad thoughts. Do not stay away from your family and friend, meet your best friend and loved ones. Sharing a good moment can also helps the person to get well soon. People should not avoid meditation and praying god. Prayer helps us to get positive energy and thoughts about us. It also gives us the inner power to face the difficult situation.